Sheffield JS: Talk: Reinventing

The npm website has some catching up to do. It began as the
homepage for a fledgling open source project and it has grown to
become the foremost resource for over 600,000 packages in the npm
registry. It now needs to keep up with the expectations of modern
users and evolve into something better.

This talk uncovers the process of architecting the new website, and examines how the changing landscape of
development tooling has shaped it throughout its lifetime. It will
also address the challenges tools must address in the near-future, and
how we hope our experience building the new website can help
the wider community.


Katie Fenn is a software engineer at npm. She works with all
aspects of the web, particularly JavaScript, CSS, Node.JS and ops.
When not at her desk, she is usually in the pool or on her bike in the
Peak District.

to (Europe/London time)

Maybe attending: 1 person.

About Sheffield JS

We don't know any more about Sheffield JS.

Union St is on the corner opposite First Point - see