Sheffield JS: Memory: Don’t Forget to Take Out the Garbage / CSS and component based systems

This month we have two great talks lined up for you and we'll be celebrating the brief return of an old Sheffield JS regular: Lewis Cowper - who's travelled all the way Berlin just for a decent burrito.


"Memory: Don’t Forget to Take Out the Garbage" by Katie Fenn (@katie_fenn):

Memory is fundamentally important to any computer program. It’s a finite resource, and is limited on mobile devices more than it is on desktop. JavaScript does a remarkable job of hiding this complexity from us. What’s going on behind the scenes, and how can you fix problems when memory runs out?

In this talk I will introduce computer memory and how JavaScript’s garbage collector works. I will contrast JavaScript with other languages and explore how Web Assembly will change the web’s relationship with memory in the future. It will be aimed at JavaScript developers of all experience levels and backgrounds.


"CSS and component based systems" by Lewis Cowper (@LewisCowper)

With more and more frameworks and libraries moving towards defining components rather than pages, it is getting more difficult to make sure the cascade doesn't trip us up. In this talk, we'll look at how we can take advantage of new tools and approaches to make dealing with CSS and components much easier. We'll look at three approaches for styling components, and discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each approach. While React will be used as the example component that needs styling, the techniques and approaches should be applicable across the front end ecosystem.


After the talks we'll head to the Rutland Arms pub for some more socialising.

to (Europe/London time)

About Sheffield JS

We don't know any more about Sheffield JS.

Union St is on the corner opposite First Point - see