Sheffield Tech Parks

Cooper Building, Arundel Street
S1 2NS
  • This event will be a single talk on Looks GREAT To Me: Getting Past Bare Minimum Code Reviews with Adrienne Braganza Tacke

    ⚠️ This will be an in-person event, the venue is TBC.


    🍕 Pizza/Drinks (18:15 - 18:30)
    🗣 Introduction (18:30)
    👉 Looks GREAT To Me: Getting Past Bare Minimum Code Reviews (18:35ish)
    🍻 Social @ Pub (after the talk)
    👉 Looks GREAT To Me: Getting Past Bare Minimum Code Reviews
    Ah code reviews. We need them, but we dread them. We do them, but not well. How do we deal with gigantic PRs? Why can't we write effective code review comments? How do we make code reviews shorter? Is SSDaaRB (Single Senior Developer as a Reviewer Bottleneck) something we just have to accept?

    In this talk, I'll not only answer these questions, but give you actionable advice on how to improve your code review today!
    I want to tell you:
    - All the things you're doing wrong in your code review, both as an author and as a reviewer
    - How to fix all those wrong things
    - What we...

  • The Digital Showcases are for industry pros and the general public alike – the format is four lightning talks and a live interview, with guests invited on stage to explain their projects by showing the work and process with images or short videos. The host is Chris Dymond, who will introduce guests and ask questions during the interview to delve into the details of how the project came about, how it was made and by whom, and what its impact has been, while also summarising and explaining in simple language to make the tech understandable to everyone attending.

    5.30pm - Arrival: networking and drinks

    6.00pm - Welcome

    6.05pm - Will Deakin

    6.15pm - Angel Takooree

    6.25pm - Keynote with Ten24

    Meet the pioneers of 3D scanning who are setting standards for AI data collection.

    As the company embarks on a groundbreaking project to create an ethical data set of 10,000 3D scanned faces, come and find out more about this pioneering Sheffield company.

    7.00pm - Lightning Talk...