CoTech Meetup: Design Sprint In A Day Workshop

What is it about?

This unique workshop takes the best elements of emotional design and the Google Design Sprint and boils them down to one day. Come along with your ideas and we’ll take you through exercises that blast them apart before turning them into something that works for real people. We’ll help you define key users, conceptualise your minimum viable product and create your product roadmap.

What will you get?

An intense user focused product development session

An understanding of how Design Sprints work

Practical skills to enable you to use Design Sprint methods to help your team to develop ideas, fast

The opportunity to ask the experts more about product development, and how you can move forward


Richard Edwards has delivered & designed many of Outlandish's Design Sprints for clients, including the British Council, Prospect (the UK's professionals union), and Moodle. He joins Outlandish from a career in the BBC and NGOs, including CARE International UK as Digital Manager.

Kayleigh Walsh has been with Outlandish as a Project Manager since 2016 and will cover this workshop with Richard. When Kayleigh Walsh isn't managing projects, running user-testing sessions or holding design workshops she is working as a community developer, reaching out to other coops and charities. Kayleigh is also a member of the Worker Coop Council, and is involved in many initiatives to support women in technology.

Further Reading

Read more about Design Sprint In A Day and how the workshop can be useful for you

Who are Outlandish?

Outlandish is a co-operative tech company. We want to make the world a fairer, better place with the use of technology, from web apps, data dashboards and monitoring tools that aid the discovery of new insights from complex data, to mass-impact campaigns and websites that promote your causes and mobilise your key audiences.

Our clients include BBC, British Council, Now Pensions, Care International, Moodle, Greenpeace and UNICEF.

We use Sociocracy as part of our business model and have done for more than 5 years. For us, getting this buy-in throughout the organisation has been invaluable and we want to share that experience and knowledge with others.

Please note the price includes VAT and we have deliberately priced these workshops accessible for individuals & SME's. Lunch is provided. Book Now!

Whole team workshops available and more dates available on request.
If you like to find out more contact [masked] or visit our website

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