This event will be broken down into 2 talks, ABA and Carter - Micro-frameworks being presented by TBA and Richard Tasker.
**Carter - Micro-frameworks**
In 2007 Sinatra was debuted, a DSL, written in Ruby, for building websites, web services, and web applications.
This spawned a movement towards using a minimalistic approach to building web applications, and numerous "Micro-frameworks" were created.
What is a micro-framework?
Are there any benefits of using a micro-framework?
When should I use a micro-framework?
In this session, Richard will discuss the differences between frameworks and micro-frameworks.
Demonstrate the benefits of using a micro-framework with Carter, a routing library for use with ASP.Net Core.
Richard will show you how to get up and running with Carter, go through some examples of how Carter could benefit your product.
You will also see how easy it is to test your Carter modules using Microsoft.AspNetCore.TestHosts TestServer.
Carter enables you to build performant HTTP APIs quickly, giving you the ability to rapidly pivot your product if required.
Storage and analysis of time-series, Carter and ASP.NET Core Health Check
Description changed:
This event will be broken down into 3 talks, Storage and analysis of large time-series datasets by Robin Hartley, Carter - Mircro-frameworks by Richard Tasker and ASP.NET Core Health Check Talk by Chris Amery.
**Storage and analysis of large time-series datasets**
With Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things, we have time-series data pouring out of our ears. Alongside the opportunities this 'big data' brings, there are serious challenges in how to efficiently store and analyse this data. In this talk, Robin will present some of the storage and analysis techniques that we can use to address these challenges. However, there is no silver bullet and hopefully the thoughts and input of the audience will be equally valuable in navigating this "big data" challenge.
**Carter - Micro-frameworks**
In 2007 Sinatra was debuted, a DSL, written in Ruby, for building websites, web services, and web applications.
This spawned a movement towards using a minimalistic approach to building web applications, and numerous "Micro-frameworks" were created.
What is a micro-framework?
Are there any benefits of using a micro-framework?
When should I use a micro-framework?
In this session, Richard will discuss the differences between frameworks and micro-frameworks.
Demonstrate the benefits of using a micro-framework with Carter, a routing library for use with ASP.Net Core.
Richard will show you how to get up and running with Carter, go through some examples of how Carter could benefit your product.
You will also see how easy it is to test your Carter modules using Microsoft.AspNetCore.TestHosts TestServer.
Carter enables you to build performant HTTP APIs quickly, giving you the ability to rapidly pivot your product if required.
This event will be broken down into 3 talks, Storage and analysis of large time-series datasets by Robin Hartley, Carter - Mircro-frameworks by Richard Tasker and ASP.NET Core Health Check Talk by Chris Amery.
**Storage and analysis of large time-series datasets**
With Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things, we have time-series data pouring out of our ears. Alongside the opportunities this 'big data' brings, there are serious challenges in how to efficiently store and analyse this data. In this talk, Robin will present some of the storage and analysis techniques that we can use to address these challenges. However, there is no silver bullet and hopefully the thoughts and input of the audience will be equally valuable in navigating this "big data" challenge.
**Carter - Micro-frameworks**
In 2007 Sinatra was debuted, a DSL, written in Ruby, for building websites, web services, and web applications.
This spawned a movement towards using a minimalistic approach to building web applications, and numerous "Micro-frameworks" were created.
What is a micro-framework?
Are there any benefits of using a micro-framework?
When should I use a micro-framework?
In this session, Richard will discuss the differences between frameworks and micro-frameworks.
Demonstrate the benefits of using a micro-framework with Carter, a routing library for use with ASP.Net Core.
Richard will show you how to get up and running with Carter, go through some examples of how Carter could benefit your product.
You will also see how easy it is to test your Carter modules using Microsoft.AspNetCore.TestHosts TestServer.
Carter enables you to build performant HTTP APIs quickly, giving you the ability to rapidly pivot your product if required.
**It's Alive!! ASP.NET Core Health Checks**
A dive into the Health Check library formally introduced into ASP.NET Core - formally known as BeatPulse! This talk will discuss the qualities, and the reasons why such a framework is imperative towards the daily ops of a modern system orchestrated with microservices.