'Modules or Microservices?'
Microservices promise a scalable architecture, increased flexibility, and better performance. But then you find out what’s actually involved in designing and running a microservices-based architecture. Turns out it’s not that straightforward after all.
Often the discussion around microservices is framed by a false dichotomy between the messy monolith and the lean and mean microservices architecture. Fortunately, there’s a third way: the modularized application. Functional decomposition doesn’t imply that every component has to become its own independent process.
Modularization is about strong encapsulation, well-defined interfaces, and explicit dependencies. Many languages offer in-process modularization features (for example, Java with its all-new module system). In this session we explore the right (and wrong) reasons for going with a microservices architecture, as well as what a modularized application entails. There’s a place for both independently deployed microservices and larger applications with a strong internal modular structure. Choose wisely.
'Migrating to Java Modules'
The module system delivered in Java 9/10 is a great advancement for the Java language, and we would like to migrate existing code to make use of the module system. Migrating an existing code base from the classpath to any kind of module system can be a challenging task.
The Java module system comes with a number of features to ease migration. This includes automatic modules and the unnamed module. While these features provide great value, they do require an understanding of the module system to use them to their full potential.
In this talk we look at examples of migrating real code, based on a Spring/Hibernate application. We’ll face common problems we run into during migration, which gives us practical tips to apply, but also a good understanding of the module framework itself and the various migration features it supports. This talk is an excellent preparation to start migrating your own code.
About the speaker
Sander Mak is a Fellow at Luminis in The Netherlands, where he crafts modular and scalable software, most often on the JVM, but with a touch of TypeScript when needed.
He also is a Java Champion and author of the O'Reilly book 'Java 9 Modularity' (see www.javamodularity.com).
As an avid conference speaker, Sander loves sharing knowledge, also through his blog at branchandbound.net and as Pluralsight instructor.
You can follow him on Twitter at @Sander_Mak
6pm: Doors open
6.30pm: Modules or Microservices
7.15pm: Pizza
7.40pm: Migrating to Java Modules
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