We plan to have up to three short, lightning talks. Each talk is normally around 10-15 minutes in length. We have David Thorne for one talk, we have two more spots available. It's a great way to get experience of speaking with a really friendly crowd.
If anyone is interested in doing a lightning talk please let me know in the comments, or send me an email at [masked]
PHP Cambridge Jan meetup - Hack night & your PHP questions
Description changed:
A change of plan for our January meetup, we're planning a hack night to get together to help you with your PHP project.
If you have a project you're working on - please come along (with a laptop)! Our group is a mix of experienced PHP'ers, complete beginners and everything in-between. We will chat at the start of evening and split into a few groups to work on code. We can also help with any general PHP questions you may have on problems you're trying to solve or areas you're trying to understand more.
So please bring some questions or PHP projects along and look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 16th!
A change of plan for our January meetup, we're planning a hack night to get together to help you with your PHP project.
If you have a project you're working on - please come along (with a laptop)! Our group is a mix of experienced PHP'ers, complete beginners and everything in-between. We will chat at the start of evening and split into a few groups to work on code. We can also help with any general PHP questions you may have on problems you're trying to solve or areas you're trying to understand more.
So please bring some questions or PHP projects along and look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 16th!
We're limited to 15 spaces tonigt due to space, so if you can't make it please do mark this on Meetup.com to free spaces up for someone else.
Studio 24 is sponsoring the evening and will be providing pizza!