Sheffield JS: Web Audio API for Chart Accessibility and Functional JS, In A Nutshell

This month our very own Katie Fenn (@katie_fenn) from Canonical will be giving a talk on functional JS, followed by Matthew Tylee Atkinson (@matatk) talking about accessibility and the Web Audio API!


***NOTE: this talk is now cancelled as Katie is off sick, our second talk is still going ahead***

Functional JS, In A Nutshell - Katie Fenn (@katie_fenn)

"JavaScript is a language of two flavours: object-oriented and functional. Some would say functional is JavaScript's dominant flavour, but only recently have we started exploring its uses fully.

This talk will introduce the basic ingredients of functional programming and explain why embracing them makes JavaScript easier to work with."


Exploring the Use of the Web Audio API to Improve Chart Accessibility - Matthew Tylee Atkinson (@matatk)

Charts and plots are engaging and widely used, but present barriers to people with vision impairments. AudioChart provides an aural, keyboard-accessible means to experience them.


Afterwards, we'll head to the Rutland Arms for more JavaScript chat and socialising.

to (Europe/London time)

About Sheffield JS

We don't know any more about Sheffield JS.

Union St is on the corner opposite First Point - see