Sheffield JS: Talk Night: Why is teaching web development so difficult? / JavaScript Infosec: for the greater good

We're back to the usual double presentation format, followed by a trip to the Rutland Arms. This month, we have topics that should interest every JavaScript developer: how we teach web technologies, and how we can keep our code, and our users, secure.

"Why is teaching web development so difficult?" - Claire Gowler (

I’m going to share my adventures teaching HTML and CSS with Code Club and Flask apps with Festival of Code and look at whether there is a generation gap in the way we think about programming the internet.

"JavaScript Infosec: for the greater good" - Jonathan Kingston (

CSP security is great to prevent many of the simple hacks on the internet. However there are roadblocks in making this possible, the talk will cover how we can all reach out and fix the web.

to (Europe/London time)

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