Startup Meetup Sheffield: Openly discussing challenges

Sheffield's startup ecosystem getting together - more vulnerable than ever before! Come and talk openly about your challenges.

17:00 - 17:30

Arrival and networking

When you arrive, you will be given a sticky note where you can write your biggest difficulty right now and stick it on yourself. There will also be a space to write more about the challenges you have faced as an entrepreneur, including different sections (e.g. you can write about specific difficulties regarding growth, building a team, mindset, funding, etc.)

17:30 - 18:15

Open Forum

We will open the floor to everyone to get a chance and talk about their difficulties in front of the audience. This can include personal struggles in their role as entrepreneurs or specific difficulties related to building a business. Nothing is off the table!

18:15 - 19:00

Roundtable discussions

We will identify and discuss the challenges and difficulties that are top of mind for attendees. Based on the topics that emerge, we will separate into small groups and hold roundtable discussions around each challenge. This will be a unique opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations with fellow entrepreneurs and problem-solve together in a supportive and collaborative environment.

to (Europe/London time)

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