Ready to shape the future with cutting-edge technology? This event is an inclusive, hands-on event where you'll look at data analysis, IoT devices, and cloud services to tackle real-world challenges. Including talks led by industry professionals, we’ll guide you through the fundamentals of IoT devices, like Raspberry Pi and smartphones, and how to use cloud services like Azure to collect and store data.
No tickets are needed to attend this event.
These are the time slots for visitors from outside the SHU to attend. The visitors can show up for any of these without any prior booking. -
An exciting opportunity to dive into the dynamic fields of Mathematics and Data Analytics! Exploring how we use mathematical theory and/or cutting-edge data analysis techniques to solve real-world problems through student projects and speakers from the industry. Exploring new ideas and meet our student community engaging and thriving in dealing with challenging real-world problems.
No tickets are needed to attend this event.
These are the time slots for visitors from outside the SHU to attend. The visitors can show up for any of these without any prior booking. -
This event is a fantastic opportunity for knowledge exchange and interaction between academia, students and industry, aiming to create an interactive environment for building fruitful partnerships. Final year cyber security undergraduate students at Sheffield Hallam University will be showcasing their final year projects as poster presentations and having open discussions about their work with participants. We have some fantastic guest speakers and panel discussion lined up for participants!
No tickets are needed to attend this event.
These are the time slots for visitors from outside the SHU to attend. The visitors can show up for any of these without any prior booking.