Welcome back to EdLUG for 2022! Craig Burden has kindly stepped up to tell us about embedded Linux, so we're going to be getting a glimpse into the world of PCBs and integrated circuits that lies on the other side of the Linux kernel.
As per usual, we'll meet and chat from 7pm, and start the talk around 7.15.
A crash course in embedded linux hardware
A shallow dive into the world of embedded linux and what makes up a typical embedded system.
We'll be covering the minimum requirements, typical applications and design considerations as well as touching on what linux looks like in these systems and how to compile and configure the kernel.
In the process we will demystify common design outcomes and most importantly explain why the circuit boards look like they were routed by world champion snake player.
The theme for our December meetup is "On day $N of Christmas, FOSS gave to me..."
To make this work, your LUG needs you! The more speakers we can find, the more fun this will be. :-D It would be amazing if we could do 12 talks. It will be a *maximum* of 5 minutes per talk, so it's not a big commitment.
The idea is simple: tell us about some cool open source thing! It could be a game, a useful tool, or an algorithm (with an open source implementation). It could be something so widespread we hardly notice it, like DNS, or a personal story like how you rescued a broken laptop using Linux. It could be open hardware, or even an open source cola. The only requirement is for something open source which you're glad exists!
Please get in touch with Thomas (takluyver@fastmail.com) or post in the comments if you'd like to give a talk. If you're not sure what topic to talk about, I'm happy to help you figure that out.
Shehraz is going to be talking about gaming on Linux - both games that are available natively and how well Windows games can be run with a compatibility layer.
If you remember a similar talk a couple of years ago (before the pandemic), come along for an update. If you weren't there for that one, come and hear about it for the first time!
Short talks from a range of LUG members on a range of desktop audio topics - coordinated by Edinburgh, Portsmouth and Belfast LUGs.
On Mozilla Hubs - spatially-dependent audio, because audio isn't complicated enough!
Come and hear (if your audio works) people you normally can't, as we share community activity with Linux & Libre groups outside Belfast.
So far:
- "a lightning beginner showcase on playing music on terminal through MOC" - Tai (Edinburgh)
- "a light-quick intro about how to create a song with jack/ardour/hydrogen" - Nic (Edinburgh)
- "Home office & OBS, a crash course" (TBC)
- "Audio in Hubs" (TBC)
- "Rosegarden & Friends for Making Classical Extra-Classy (feat. Pipewire & Bonus Ardour)" - Phil (Belfast)
Still looking for further 10min talks!
Do try out https://hubs.mozilla.com/ in advance to make sure, as we tempt the irony of ironies, that your audio fully works.
GitLab as an OSS solution for organizing work & life
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Nicola will be talking about his experience self-hosting a GitLab server:
The issue tracker from GitLab stems from a long history of software developers sweating to make structural sense in their projects. GitHub has to be credited for bringing a much cleaner interface, but GitLab answers the need for an Open Source alternative.
It turns out that the issue tracker covers plenty of features that refined, general purpose (but proprietary) task managers have.
This talk will:
- Quickly cover why you might be interested at adopting GitLab.
- Explain how to set it up for your home (not public on gitlab.com).
- Show a live example.
I will send a document that explains the set-up, step by step.
Panda is back with a follow up on practical penetration testing of a web server / web application.
This is a continuation of their previous talk on Wordpress Security Review, and should be considered practical tips on testing only websites for which you yourself own the server instance, or you have been given explicit permission to test on. Act responsibly! 👍
A walkthrough of hacking a webapp for standard users up to admins and devs. After the talk, I'll send out the slide deck, which will include links to references and resources. The talk will include
* Reconnaissance
* Identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities
* Recommended remediation for vulnerabilities identified
As part of the above,
* Tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP)
* Tools used
D-Bus is a mechanism for Linux desktop applications to communicate with each other, and with parts of the system like desktop notifications and preventing the screensaver from cutting in. I'll illustrate some of the many things D-Bus is used for, give a high-level overview of how it works, and demonstrate some tools you can use to explore and inspect D-Bus interactions on your own system.
Join us at https://links.taikedz.net/?id=bbb-edlug from 7pm. The talk will start at 7.15.
D-Bus is a mechanism for Linux desktop applications to communicate with each other, and with parts of the system like desktop notifications and preventing the screensaver from cutting in. I'll illustrate some of the many things D-Bus is used for, give a high-level overview of how it works, and demonstrate some tools you can use to explore and inspect D-Bus interactions on your own system.
This month, Tai will be giving a talk on Markdown.
Markdown allows creating text documents that can either be highly readable in text mode, or used to produce richly formatted content. Use it in Github repositores, for note-taking, and many more areas, or just to cleanly organise your note taking!
This month, Keith will be talking to us about GlusterFS - a scale-out network-attached storage system: with a controller and attachable disks, infinite storage growth - well, nearly....!
This month we have a security talk from Panda about Subdomain Takeovers.
If you have a subdomain pointing to an external hosting provider, like the Pages features on Github or Gitlab - get something in there ASAP - and Panda will tell us why!
We have two flash talks for November, which are the following:
Marion has kindly volunteered to give a short quiz for fun (not a competition) on random & less well known Linux and Open Source facts, but should suit all Linux competence levels.
As for the second flash talk, this will be given by myself. The talk will give a very quick introduction to Virtualbox; how to install it and get your first Virtual Machine up and running.
We have two flash talks for November, which are the following:
Marion has kindly volunteered to give a short quiz for fun (not a competition) on random & less well known Linux and Open Source facts, but should suit all Linux competence levels.
As for the second flash talk, this will be given by myself. The talk will give a very quick introduction to Virtualbox; how to install it and get your first Virtual Machine up and running.
This dual topic talk aims to discover the series which chronicled the rise of the personal computer, Computer Chronicles. The Wayback Machine will also be covered, the tool which literally stores the history of the Internet freely accessible to all.
ONLINE | At Your Command - Why & How commands help You
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September's talk given by Tai
For any new or aspiring Linux user, one question always comes back: "do I have to type commands?" Well, you rarely should need to, if ever -- but it doesn't hurt to know!
This session will be a live demonstration of the basics of the Linux command line - and more importantly why it may yet be relevant to You! No prior knowledge will be assumed, though some examples may be more geared towards Mint and Ubuntu users.
"The terminal is a familiar tool for many Linux users, and a spark for controversy on the desktop: is it an embarrassment that we still rely so much on the terminal, or is it an amazing power tool that puts the Windows command prompt in the shade? But what is the terminal, anyway? Where did it come from? What can you do with it? And why, in 2020, are so many programmers, sysadmins and computer enthusiasts still happily using such an old-fashioned interface?"
"The terminal is a familiar tool for many Linux users, and a spark for controversy on the desktop: is it an embarrassment that we still rely so much on the terminal, or is it an amazing power tool that puts the Windows command prompt in the shade? But what is the terminal, anyway? Where did it come from? What can you do with it? And why, in 2020, are so many programmers, sysadmins and computer enthusiasts still happily using such an old-fashioned interface?"
This month Gordon will be giving us a talk about rootkits:
"A rootkit is a set of tools used by hackers to enable (root) access to a server while hiding their malicious activity.
"Gordon will explain how different types of Linux rootkit might work along with some technical background context about how Linux works at a lower level."
This month we have Jonathan Riddell talking about his project "Where's the Water?", a collaborative mapping tool for crowd sourcing data on Scottish rivers for the Scottish Canoe Association
To do this, we will use the Big Blue Button install hosted by Jonathan himself. You do not need any special software, simply a modern browser, Firefox and Chrome/Chromium should work fine.
ONLINE | Where's the Water? Trying to bring FOSS to a laid back community
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This month we have Jonathan Riddell talking about his project "Where's the Water?", a collaborative mapping tool for crowd sourcing data on Scottish rivers for the Scottish Canoe Association
To do this, we will use the hosted edition of Jitsi Meet, an open source web conferencing solution. Currently it has problems with Firefox unfortunately [1] so could participants please use Chromium, or Chrome, to connect, otherwise the meeting could be degraded for everybody...
This month, Nick Jones will be giving us a talk on his bunker server farm, "Sausage Cloud!"
"From hosting QuakeWorld servers in the late 90s to running my own public cloud platform today, Linux and other free Unix-like operating systems have always empowered me to run my own services. In this talk I’ll cover a bit of history - what it took to run Infrastructure-as-a-Service in the early 2000s versus today - and why someone might be crazy enough to continue do such a thing.
"I’ll also cover the deployment specifics of this relatively small cloud platform that I run as a hobby project, using spare hardware cobbled together from various places, lashed together with Linux.”
To do this, we will use the hosted edition of Jitsi Meet, an open source web conferencing solution. Currently it has problems with Firefox unfortunately [1] so could participants please use Chromium, or Chrome, to connect, otherwise the meeting could be degraded for everybody...
ONLINE | Everyone loves a sausage: Running your own public cloud platform
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This month, Nick Jones will be giving us a talk on his bunker server farm, "Sausage Cloud!"
"From hosting QuakeWorld servers in the late 90s to running my own public cloud platform today, Linux and other free Unix-like operating systems have always empowered me to run my own services. In this talk I’ll cover a bit of history - what it took to run Infrastructure-as-a-Service in the early 2000s versus today - and why someone might be crazy enough to continue do such a thing.
"I’ll also cover the deployment specifics of this relatively small cloud platform that I run as a hobby project, using spare hardware cobbled together from various places, lashed together with Linux.”
This month Gordon will be giving us a talk about rootkits:
"A rootkit is a set of tools used by hackers to enable (root) access to a server while hiding their malicious activity.
"Gordon will explain how different types of Linux rootkit might work along with some technical background context about how Linux works at a lower level."
19:00 - meet, upstairs section of Akva
19:15 - start talk
20:00 - closing notes, socialise, play ping pong
If you have never been to one of these meetings, just know that it's friendly and informal - grab a pint or a soda, come ask questions, get help with open source software and Linux, and enjoy some geeky company!
There is often a Linux laptop on hand for a quick show and tell for anyone who is curious, and you can also bring your own laptop to troubleshoot Linux, or try Linux on your own laptop - without installing it.
Where's the Water? Trying to bring FOSS techniques to a laid back community
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This month we have Jonathan Riddell talking about his project "Where's the Water?", a collaborative mapping tool for crowd sourcing data on Scottish rivers for the Scottish Canoe Association
19:00 - meet, upstairs section of Akva
19:15 - start talk
20:00 - closing notes, socialise, play ping pong
If you have never been to one of these meetings, just know that it's friendly and informal - grab a pint or a soda, come ask questions, get help with open source software and Linux, and enjoy some geeky company!
There is often a Linux laptop on hand for a quick show and tell for anyone who is curious, and you can also bring your own laptop to troubleshoot Linux, or try Linux on your own laptop - without installing it.
Everyone loves a sausage: Running your own public cloud platform
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This month, Nick Jones will be giving us a talk on his bunker server farm, "Sausage Cloud!"
"From hosting QuakeWorld servers in the late 90s to running my own public cloud platform today, Linux and other free Unix-like operating systems have always empowered me to run my own services. In this talk I’ll cover a bit of history - what it took to run Infrastructure-as-a-Service in the early 2000s versus today - and why someone might be crazy enough to continue do such a thing.
"I’ll also cover the deployment specifics of this relatively small cloud platform that I run as a hobby project, using spare hardware cobbled together from various places, lashed together with Linux.”
19:00 - meet, upstairs section of Akva
19:15 - start talk
20:00 - closing notes, socialise, play ping pong
If you have never been to one of these meetings, just know that it's friendly and informal - grab a pint or a soda, come ask questions, get help with open source software and Linux, and enjoy some geeky company!
There is often a Linux laptop on hand for a quick show and tell for anyone who is curious, and you can also bring your own laptop to troubleshoot Linux, or try Linux on your own laptop - without installing it.