Edinburgh Linux Users Group: Talk | Penetration-Testing Webapps

Panda is back with a follow up on practical penetration testing of a web server / web application.

This is a continuation of their previous talk on Wordpress Security Review, and should be considered practical tips on testing only websites for which you yourself own the server instance, or you have been given explicit permission to test on. Act responsibly! 👍


A walkthrough of hacking a webapp for standard users up to admins and devs. After the talk, I'll send out the slide deck, which will include links to references and resources. The talk will include

* Reconnaissance
* Identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities
* Recommended remediation for vulnerabilities identified

As part of the above,

* Tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP)
* Tools used



19:00 - Meet online, announcements; links.taikedz.net
19:10 - start talk
19:40 - closing notes, Q&A roundtable

The Q&A session allows online attendees to ask questions about Linux, Open Source, recommendations, etc; and any member can answer or chip in.

to (Europe/London time)

More details and tickets: www.meetup.com

Imported From: www.meetup.com

More Information

We are a not-for-profit group based in Edinburgh. We aim to promote the use of Linux, other Open Source tools and provide user help in a convivial setting, through talks, demos and related volunteer-led activities.

Meetings are held monthly except in August due to the festival.

For more details view our website at edlug.gitlab.io

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