Join us for a night of Python talks at the central Skyscanner office in Glasgow. We will have two talks. Skyscanner will be providing us with food and drinks.
Doors open at 18:00, please arrive by 18:30 at the latest.
Pizza will arrive at 18:00.
First talks will start shortly after 18:30.
Talk 1: Publish a (Perfect) Python Package on PyPI
By: Mark Smith
Always wanted to publish a package on PyPI, but didn't know where to start? This talk is for you! Starting with nothing, we'll build a package and publish it on PyPI using current best practices.
Learn how to structure your project and your code. Discover what goes in your `requirements.txt` and your ``. Ensure your code will work in different on different platforms! Document your code so people won't ask you loads of questions! Finally, learn how avoid doing any of this yourself.
This talk will cover:
* Why should you package your code for PyPI?
* How to structure your project and your code, including why you need a `src` folder!
* Discover what goes in your `Pipfile` and your ``, and why. Learn the difference between installing your library to use it, and installing it to develop on it.
* Write tests for your project, and run them using Tox.
* Ensure your code will work in different on different platforms with
Continuous Integration!
* Document your code so people won't ask you loads of questions!
* How to actually get your code on PyPI using Twine.
* Finally, learn how avoid doing any of this yourself (or avoid doing it twice) using CookieCutter templates.
Talk 2: Stupid (and possibly illegal) stuff you can do with sms, but probably shouldn’t
By: Aaron Bassett
Some of the scarier things you can do with the most ubiquitous of messaging systems, SMS. Impersonate anyone, take over the screen, change data on a recipient’s device, even send silent tracking messages. All things you can easily do with no more than a couple of lines of code, but probably shouldn’t. No really, please don’t.
Join us for a night of Python talks at the central Skyscanner office in Glasgow. We will have two talks. Skyscanner will be providing us with food and drinks.
Doors open at 18:00, please arrive by 18:30 at the latest.
Pizza will arrive at 18:00.
First talks will start shortly after 18:30.
Talk 1: Publish a (Perfect) Python Package on PyPI
By: Mark Smith
Always wanted to publish a package on PyPI, but didn't know where to start? This talk is for you! Starting with nothing, we'll build a package and publish it on PyPI using current best practices.
Learn how to structure your project and your code. Discover what goes in your `requirements.txt` and your ``. Ensure your code will work in different on different platforms! Document your code so people won't ask you loads of questions! Finally, learn how avoid doing any of this yourself.
This talk will cover:
* Why should you package your code for PyPI?
* How to structure your project and your code, including why you need a `src` folder!
* Discover what goes in your `Pipfile` and your ``, and why. Learn the difference between installing your library to use it, and installing it to develop on it.
* Write tests for your project, and run them using Tox.
* Ensure your code will work in different on different platforms with
Continuous Integration!
* Document your code so people won't ask you loads of questions!
* How to actually get your code on PyPI using Twine.
* Finally, learn how avoid doing any of this yourself (or avoid doing it twice) using CookieCutter templates.
Join us for a night of Python talks at the central Skyscanner office in Glasgow. We will have two talks. Skyscanner will be providing us with food and drinks.
Doors open at 17:30, please arrive by 18:30 at the latest.
Pizza will arrive at 18:00.
First talks will start at 18:30.
Talk 1: Flow-Based Programming with Luigi for doing Science
By: Harry Ambrose Jack
The Flow-based paradigm involves setting up a dependency graph between your components - then telling your program which output you want, and letting it figure out what code to run. I'll given an introduction to the Luigi Python package and share my experiences how using Luigi has helped my team build operational data pipelines that are easy to develop locally, easy to parallelise, graceful when recovering from errors, and easy to extend.
Talk 2: Data science version control with Python and DVC
By: Kristijan Ivancic
Software teams use version control systems like Git to collaborate on a shared codebase and keep track of changes. The workflows they use are now pretty standard. In the data science world, this is still an open problem. DVC is a tool that makes a solid attempt to tackle this issue. I'll show you how we use DVC to version our datasets and machine learning models, collaborate on projects that run Python code on large amounts of data, and make our experiments easily reproducible.
Join us for a night of Python talks at the central Skyscanner office in Glasgow. We will have two talks. Skyscanner will be providing us with food and drinks.
Doors open at 17:30, please arrive by 18:30 at the latest.
Pizza will arrive at 18:00.
First talks will start at 18:30.
Talk 1: Flow-Based Programming with Luigi for doing Science
By: Harry Ambrose Jack
The Flow-based paradigm involves setting up a dependency graph between your components - then telling your program which output you want, and letting it figure out what code to run. I'll given an introduction to the Luigi Python package and share my experiences how using Luigi has helped my team build operational data pipelines that are easy to develop locally, easy to parallelise, graceful when recovering from errors, and easy to extend.
Talk 2: Your name here? We are looking for a second speaker. Let me know if you are interested
Join us for a night of Python talks at the central Skyscanner office in Glasgow. We will have two talks (details soon). Skyscanner will be providing us with food and drinks.
Doors open at 17:30, please arrive by 18:30 at the latest.
Pizza will arrive at 18:00.
First talks will start at 18:30.
Talk 1: Go for Python programmers, or I remember when it was all Perl around here.
Speaker: Douglas McCallum
All dominant languages go into life support eventually, COBOL Pascal and Perl are three examples. Python won't be any different, watch Ruby to see what will happen. Unless you are one of the people who get out of programming as soon as they can, you will have to change languages at some point. I am not saying Go will be the next big deal, but it is worth having a look at.
Talk 2: What's the airspeed velocity of your Python code?
Speaker: Gabriele Tornetta
Is your Python code carrying coconuts a pound too heavy? Is there margin for squeezing those all-important nanoseconds out of your modules? After a brief general introduction to profiling, we shall have a look at some of the current tools and techniques for profiling Python applications.
Join us for a night of Python talks at the central Skyscanner office in Glasgow. We will have two talks (details soon). Skyscanner will be providing us with food and drinks.
Doors open at 17:30, please arrive by 18:30 at the latest.
Pizza will arrive at 18:00.
First talks will start at 18:30.
Talk 1: Go for Python programmers, or I remember when it was all Perl around here.
Speaker: Douglas McCallum
All dominant languages go into life support eventually, COBOL Pascal and Perl are three examples. Python won't be any different, watch Ruby to see what will happen. Unless you are one of the people who get out of programming as soon as they can, you will have to change languages at some point. I am not saying Go will be the next big deal, but it is worth having a look at.
Join us for a night of Python talks at the central Skyscanner office in Glasgow. We will have two talks (details soon). Skyscanner will be providing us with food and drinks.
Doors open at 17:30, please arrive by 18:30 at the latest.
Pizza will arrive at 18:00.
First talks will start at 18:30.
Doors open at 17:30, please arrive by 18:30 at the latest. Coding to start shortly after. Food and drinks kindly sponsored by SkyScanner.
Please bring your laptops!
Join us for a night of seasonal programming puzzles! We will split into small groups and work together, trying to solve the different challenges on
Every skill level is welcome, we will be sure to try and pair you up with somebody more experienced (if you like!).
There are no rules, you can use any language you like. We of course suggest Python and encourage a TDD approach. However, as long as you follow the code of conduct[0] and have fun, anything goes!
Doors open at 17:30, please arrive by 18:30 at the latest. Coding to start shortly after.
Please bring your laptops!
Join us for a night of seasonal programming puzzles! We will split into small groups and work together, trying to solve the different challenges on
Every skill level is welcome, we will be sure to try and pair you up with somebody more experienced (if you like!).
There are no rules, you can use any language you like. We of course suggest Python and encourage a TDD approach. However, as long as you follow the code of conduct[0] and have fun, anything goes!
Join us for a night of Python talks at the central Skyscanner office in Glasgow. We will have two talks (details soon). Skyscanner will be providing us with food and drinks.
Doors open at 17:30, please arrive by 18:30 at the latest.
Pizza will arrive at 18:00.
First talks will start at 18:30.
Talk 1: Web2py for Asynchronous Decisions by Donald McClymont
This talk will provide a brief overview of web2py, it’s key pieces and then a short demo of a simple web2py app. Then would finish with some details of the main application I have built with it.
Talk 2: Pandas on Jupyter by Gabriele Calvo
An introductory talk on jupyter notebook and how it can power data exploratory analysis thanks to libraries such as pandas.
Jupyter notebooks are becoming a standard when it comes to sharing reproducible data analysis and teaching beginners. They are very powerful and convenient, but some features can sometimes confuse beginners or promote misuse.
Pandas is one of the most used and known data analysis library. It's a great tool for reading, processing, summarizing and writing data. It takes few lines of code to manipulate data in complex way.
Together they can be a great tool to explore datasets and allowing sharing and reproducibility.
Join us for a night of Python talks at the central Skyscanner office in Glasgow. We will have two talks (details soon). Skyscanner will be providing us with food and drinks.
Doors open at 17:30, please arrive by 18:30 at the latest.
Pizza will arrive at 18:00.
First talks will start at 18:30.
Talk 1: Web2py for Asynchronous Decisions by Donald McClymont
This talk will provide a brief overview of web2py, it’s key pieces and then a short demo of a simple web2py app. Then would finish with some details of the main application I have built with it.
Join us for a night of Python talks at the central Skyscanner office in Glasgow. We will have two talks (details soon). Skyscanner will be providing us with food and drinks.
Doors open at 17:30, please arrive by 18:30 at the latest.
Pizza will arrive at 18:00.
First talks will start at 18:30.
Join us for a night of Python talks at the central Skyscanner office in Glasgow. We will have two talks (details soon). Skyscanner will be providing us with food and drinks.
Doors open at 17:30, please arrive by 18:30 at the latest.
Pizza will arrive at 18:00.
First talks will start at 18:30.
Talk 1: Building Deep Learning Neural Networks for Developers using Python and Tensor Flow by Keith Harrison
Machine learning has been all over the news recently from beating humans at Go ( to diagnosing heart failure ( I decided to learn what all the fuss was about and soon found that these amazing results were being achieved by Deep Learning Neural Networks and you can build them yourself even if you have no background in Data Science.
In this talk I’ll explain what Machine Learning is and show you how to build a Deep Learning Neural Network from scratch to perform simple hand writing recognition using Keras and TensorFlow. It’s not as hard as you think!
Join us for a night of Python talks at the central Skyscanner office in Glasgow. We will have two talks (details soon). Skyscanner will be providing us with food and drinks.
Doors open at 17:30, please arrive by 18:30 at the latest.
Pizza will arrive at 18:00.
First talks will start at 18:30.
Join us for a night of Python talks at the central Skyscanner office in Glasgow. We will have two talks (details below). Skyscanner will be providing us with food and drinks.
Doors open at 17:30, please arrive by 18:30 at the latest.
Pizza will arrive at 18:00.
First talks will start at 18:30.
Please note: 155 St Vincent Street reception is locked from 17:30 onwards. To access the building please wait patiently by the front door a member of Skyscanner will then be able to unlock the door and provide access. Access can only be guaranteed up until 18:30.
Talk 1: APIs On The Scale of Decades by Gary Fleming
"APIs are hard. They are pretty much ship now, regret later." -- Chet Haase.
What do Greek philosophy, early video games, and Japanese bullet trains tell us about how we should design our APIs?
Writing any old API is easy. Writing an API that can evolve to meet your needs over the coming months, years, and even decades; now that's hard. We'll look at some common practices and try to see where they go wrong, some misunderstood techniques and how to use them better, and some less common practices that might be useful.
Let me give you some good advice that'll help you evolve your APIs, and some big ideas that might provoke some interesting thoughts.
Talk 2: Machine Learning in Production with Python-Based Microservices by Andy McMahon
Andy is Head of Data Science & Machine Learning at Streamba, a start-up in Glasgow which develops cutting edge software solutions for the energy industry. His work in the VOR team spans the spectrum of predictive, prescriptive and descriptive analytics with a particular focus on production ready machine learning solutions. He's a keen Pythonista and does almost all of his development in Python. Recently he has been exploring Scala and Java for developing machine learning system.
Among the many challenges I've faced at Streamba is how do you take your shiny new ML model and actually put it into production? In this talk I'll discuss some of the different ways you can do this, with a focus on the cloud-based microservice architecture. I'll then (time permitting) show a running example of this with a very simple ML microservice running in the cloud. Hopefully you'll come away with a better idea of how to take your Python scripts and ML code and convert them into a running service that brings value to customers and internal stakeholders.
Join us for a night of Python talks at the central Skyscanner office in Glasgow. We will have two talks (details below). Skyscanner will be providing us with food and drinks.
Doors open at 17:30, please arrive by 18:30 at the latest.
Pizza will arrive at 18:00.
First talks will start at 18:30.
Please note: 155 St Vincent Street reception is locked from 17:30 onwards. To access the building please wait patiently by the front door a member of Skyscanner will then be able to unlock the door and provide access. Access can only be guaranteed up until 18:30.
Talk 1: APIs On The Scale of Decades by Gary Fleming
"APIs are hard. They are pretty much ship now, regret later." -- Chet Haase.
What do Greek philosophy, early video games, and Japanese bullet trains tell us about how we should design our APIs?
Writing any old API is easy. Writing an API that can evolve to meet your needs over the coming months, years, and even decades; now that's hard. We'll look at some common practices and try to see where they go wrong, some misunderstood techniques and how to use them better, and some less common practices that might be useful.
Let me give you some good advice that'll help you evolve your APIs, and some big ideas that might provoke some interesting thoughts.
This is the second Dojo hosted by JP Morgan with a new problem. See the comments on the previous meetup to hear how it went:
Where: JP Morgan for the Dojo on Tues 13th March.
Arrive: @6pm for complimentary refreshments, pizza and networking.
Bring: your Laptop with Python installed. We'll provide power, desks, chairs and wifi for action from 6:30pm till 8:30pm.
There will be a discussion and 5 min presentation afterwards on lessons learned.
As in the spirit of Coding Dojos, several algorithmic problems (a.k.a. kata) will be presented.
The Kata will be revealed on the evening, so that all solutions will be as fresh as possible to all developers (a.k.a. kenshi).
The dojo will be arranged into two 45 minute sessions where the same problem will be investigated in each but under different constraints.
Developers will pair-up and investigate the kata under the 1st constraint. For the second session developers will pair up with someone else and perform the investigation under the second constraint.
There will be a 5 min presentation and discussion afterwards to share what has been learned about the problem and coding solutions under the constraints!
Arrive: @6pm for complimentary refreshments, pizza and networking.
Bring: your Laptop with Python installed. We'll provide power, desks, chairs and wifi for action from 6:30pm till 8:30pm.
There will be a discussion and 5 min presentation afterwards on lessons learned.
As in the spirit of Coding Dojos, several algorithmic problems (a.k.a. kata) will be presented.
The Kata will be revealed on the evening, so that all solutions will be as fresh as possible to all developers (a.k.a. kenshi).
The dojo will be arranged into two 45 minute sessions where the same problem will be investigated in each but under different constraints.
Developers will pair-up and investigate the kata under the 1st constraint. For the second session developers will pair up with someone else and perform the investigation under the second constraint.
There will be a 5 min presentation and discussion afterwards to share what has been learned about the problem and coding solutions under the constraints!
Meetup is in the McTurk room.
The entrance is between the tree and organ pipes.
Ask a member of staff for directions.
More apologies... The Raven double booked us for 16th, just informed yesterday (8th Jan). We have moved venue to Waxy O'Connor's. This is a confirmed booking, so hopefully no more changes. Very sorry for this further change.
Previously... Had to reschedule from 9th to 16th, sorry. The venue was already booked by others on 9th.
To kick off the new year, we are going to meet for a warming drink and some geeky Python chat! Come and meet fellow geeks and learn more about the Python language and community.
Everyone is welcome, no Python experience is required.
More apologies... The Raven double booked us for 16th, just informed yesterday (8th Jan). We have moved venue to Waxy O'Connor's. This is a confirmed booking, so hopefully no more changes. Very sorry for this further change.
Previously... Had to reschedule from 9th to 16th, sorry. The venue was already booked by others on 9th.
To kick off the new year, we are going to meet for a warming drink and some geeky Python chat! Come and meet fellow geeks and learn more about the Python language and community.
Everyone is welcome, no Python experience is required.
More apologies... The Raven double booked us for 16th, just informed yesterday (9th Jan). We have moved venue to Waxy O'Connor's. This is a confirmed booking, so hopefully no more changes. Very sorry for this further change.
Previously... Had to reschedule from 9th to 16th, sorry. The venue was already booked by others on 9th.
To kick off the new year, we are going to meet for a warming drink and some geeky Python chat! Come and meet fellow geeks and learn more about the Python language and community.
Everyone is welcome, no Python experience is required.
Had to reschedule from 9th to 16th, sorry. The venue was already booked by others on 9th.
To kick off the new year, we are going to meet for a warming drink and some geeky Python chat! Come and meet fellow geeks and learn more about the Python language and community.
Everyone is welcome, no Python experience is required.
To kick off the new year, we are going to meet for a warming drink and some geeky Python chat! Come and meet fellow geeks and learn more about the Python language and community.
Everyone is welcome, no Python experience is required.
Where: JP Morgan for the Dojo on Wed 15th November.
Arrive: @6pm for complimentary refreshments, pizza and networking.
Bring: your Laptop with Python installed. We'll provide power, desks, chairs and wifi for action from 6:30pm till 8:30pm.
There will be a discussion and 5 min presentation afterwards on lessons learned.
As in the spirit of Coding Dojos, several algorithmic problems (a.k.a. kata) will be presented.
The Kata will be revealed on the evening, so that all solutions will be as fresh as possible to all developers (a.k.a. kenshi).
The dojo will be arranged into two 45 minute sessions where the same problem will be investigated in each but under different constraints.
Developers will pair-up and investigate the kata under the 1st constraint. For the second session developers will pair up with someone else and perform the investigation under the second constraint.
There will be a 5 min presentation and discussion afterwards to share what has been learned about the problem and coding solutions under the constraints!
Where: JP Morgan for the Dojo on Wed 15th November.
Arrive: @6pm for complimentary refreshments, pizza and networking.
Bring: your Laptop with Python installed. We'll provide power, desks, chairs and wifi for action from 6:30pm till 8:30pm.
There will be a discussion and 5 min presentation afterwards on lessons learned.
As in the spirit of Coding Dojos, several algorithmic problems (a.k.a. kata) will be presented.
The Kata will be revealed on the evening, so that all solutions will be as fresh as possible to all developers (a.k.a. kenshi).
The dojo will be arranged into two 45 minute sessions where the same problem will be investigated in each but under different constraints.
Developers will pair-up and investigate the kata under the 1st constraint. For the second session developers will pair up with someone else and perform the investigation under the second constraint.
There will be a 5 min presentation and discussion afterwards to share what has been learned about the problem and coding solutions under the constraints!