Scotland Data Science & Technology MeetUp: Why we need Data Architecture and Data Governance

"Why we need Data Architecture and data Governance."

We are lucky to have some of the most advanced talks and presentations within Data Science and Machine Learning take place at our events. This talk will go into detail about the foundations that need to be put in place before we can sustain the most advanced techniques in Data Science.

6:30 PM – 7:00 PM: Networking
7:00 PM – 7:30 PM: Kenneth MacKinnon - Financial Services Architect -
7.30 PM – 8.00 PM: Catriona Collingwood - (Data Architect / Solutions Architect / Enterprise Service Modeller) -
8.00 PM - 8.15 PM: Q&A
8.15 PM - 9.00 PM: Networking and Drink

to (Europe/London time)

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This is a group for anyone interested in Data Science, Big Data, Analytics and Technology trends. We started this group to build a community to discuss general insights into the market and share personal experiences of working and operating in this area. We hope to cover skills shortages, technological advancements and organisational implications in Data Science and Technology during our series of meetups. All skill levels are welcome.