Termux - Unlock the power of the terminal on Android!
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This month's talk is brought to you by JB
Unlock the power of the terminal on Android via Termux!
Learn how your phone/tablet can be used as a full programming environment (editor, compilers, git...), back-up your phone to your computer over Wifi using standard UNIX tools, and create customized scripts that interact with Android's native menus and file-sharing capabilities.
The talk targets both beginners, for whom Termux is an easy way into the Linux command-line world; and advanced users, who can use Termux to configure (break) their systems in more creative ways.
About the speaker:
JB is a developer spending way too much time in the terminal
already, and found out one day that his phone has one too.
Meeting at 7pm, for a tentative talk start at 7:15pm
If you have never been to one of these meetings, just know that it's friendly and informal - grab a pint or a soda, come ask questions, get help with open source software and Linux, and enjoy some geeky company!
There is often a Linux laptop on hand for a quick show and tell for anyone who is curious, and you can also bring your own laptop to troubleshoot Linux, or try Linux on your own laptop - without installing it.