Python Glasgow: 67. Talks

Join us for a night of Python talks at the central Skyscanner office in Glasgow. We will have two talks. Skyscanner will be providing us with food and drinks.

Doors open at 18:00, please arrive by 18:30 at the latest.
Pizza will arrive at 18:00.
First talks will start shortly after 18:30.

Talk 1: Publish a (Perfect) Python Package on PyPI
By: Mark Smith

Always wanted to publish a package on PyPI, but didn't know where to start? This talk is for you! Starting with nothing, we'll build a package and publish it on PyPI using current best practices.

Learn how to structure your project and your code. Discover what goes in your `requirements.txt` and your ``. Ensure your code will work in different on different platforms! Document your code so people won't ask you loads of questions! Finally, learn how avoid doing any of this yourself.

This talk will cover:

* Why should you package your code for PyPI?
* How to structure your project and your code, including why you need a `src` folder!
* Discover what goes in your `Pipfile` and your ``, and why. Learn the difference between installing your library to use it, and installing it to develop on it.
* Write tests for your project, and run them using Tox.
* Ensure your code will work in different on different platforms with
Continuous Integration!
* Document your code so people won't ask you loads of questions!
* How to actually get your code on PyPI using Twine.
* Finally, learn how avoid doing any of this yourself (or avoid doing it twice) using CookieCutter templates.

Talk 2: Stupid (and possibly illegal) stuff you can do with sms, but probably shouldn’t
By: Aaron Bassett

Some of the scarier things you can do with the most ubiquitous of messaging systems, SMS. Impersonate anyone, take over the screen, change data on a recipient’s device, even send silent tracking messages. All things you can easily do with no more than a couple of lines of code, but probably shouldn’t. No really, please don’t.

to (Europe/London time)

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Maybe attending: 1 person.

The user group for Pythonistas in Glasgow.

Python Glasgow meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Other events such as talks and dojos will be announced on the mailing list and twitter account.