Summary changed:
GoSheffield - June
Description changed:
Welcome to GoSheffield! This is where the Go community in Sheffield meets once a month to talk about cool hacks and interesting technology.
This time around, we'll have one 15-minute talk followed by a workshop:
* Utility Warehouse engineer - TBC
* Daniel Martí - Workshop: Automating the web with Go
Please get in touch with the organisers if you'd like to give one yourself. All topics and levels of experience are welcome!
Food will be provided for all attendees, courtesy of our sponsors.
We are always looking for more sponsors and venues - if you know someone that can help us keep our gophers fed and happy, please get in touch!
Please note that all attendees and sponsors are required to follow the Go code of conduct (https://golang.org/conduct).
Venue: http://www.shefftechparks.com/
* Monzo - https://monzo.com/
* U Account - https://www.uaccount.uk/
* Utility Warehouse - https://www.utilitywarehouse.co.uk/
URL changed:
Ticket URL changed:
Start changed:
Thu 6th Jun 2019 6:00pm (Europe/London)
End changed:
Thu 6th Jun 2019 8:00pm (Europe/London)
Timezone changed:
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Description changed:
Welcome to GoSheffield! This is where the Go community in Sheffield meets once a month to talk about cool hacks and interesting technology.
This time around, we'll have one 15-minute talk followed by a workshop:
* Game of Bandersphinx - Ian Selkirk
* TBC - Utility Warehouse engineer
* What's coming in Go 1.13 - Daniel Martí
* (open slot)
Please get in touch with the organisers if you'd like to give one yourself. All topics and levels of experience are welcome!
Food will be provided for all attendees, courtesy of our sponsors.
We are always looking for more sponsors and venues - if you know someone that can help us keep our gophers fed and happy, please get in touch!
Please note that all attendees and sponsors are required to follow the Go code of conduct (https://golang.org/conduct).
Venue: http://www.shefftechparks.com/
* Monzo - https://monzo.com/
* U Account - https://www.uaccount.uk/
* Utility Warehouse - https://www.utilitywarehouse.co.uk/
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Description changed:
Welcome to GoSheffield! This is where the Go community in Sheffield meets once a month to talk about cool hacks and interesting technology.
This time around, we'll have one 15-minute talk followed by a workshop:
* Game of Bandersphinx - Ian Selkirk
* Speaking Less Sharply in Go - Charles Forsyth
* What's coming in Go 1.13 - Daniel Martí
* (open slot)
Please get in touch with the organisers if you'd like to give one yourself. All topics and levels of experience are welcome!
Food will be provided for all attendees, courtesy of our sponsors.
We are always looking for more sponsors and venues - if you know someone that can help us keep our gophers fed and happy, please get in touch!
Please note that all attendees and sponsors are required to follow the Go code of conduct (https://golang.org/conduct).
Venue: http://www.shefftechparks.com/
* Monzo - https://monzo.com/
* U Account - https://www.uaccount.uk/
* Utility Warehouse - https://www.utilitywarehouse.co.uk/
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Description changed:
Welcome to GoSheffield! This is where the Go community in Sheffield meets once a month to talk about cool hacks and interesting technology.
This time around, we'll have one 15-minute talk followed by a workshop:
* Game of Bandersphinx - Ian Selkirk
* Speaking Less Sharply in Go - Charles Forsyth
* What's coming in Go 1.13 - Daniel Martí
* (open slot)
Please get in touch with the organisers if you'd like to give one yourself. All topics and levels of experience are welcome!
Food will be provided for all attendees, courtesy of our sponsors.
We are always looking for more sponsors and venues - if you know someone that can help us keep our gophers fed and happy, please get in touch!
Please note that all attendees and sponsors are required to follow the Go code of conduct (https://golang.org/conduct).
Venue: http://www.shefftechparks.com/
* Monzo - https://monzo.com/
* Utility Warehouse - https://www.utilitywarehouse.co.uk/
Edited at
Description changed:
Welcome to GoSheffield! This is where the Go community in Sheffield meets once a month to talk about cool hacks and interesting technology.
This time around, we'll have one 15-minute talk followed by a workshop:
* Game of Bandersphinx - Ian Selkirk
* Speaking Less Sharply in Go - Charles Forsyth
* What's coming in Go 1.13 - Daniel Martí
Please get in touch with the organisers if you'd like to give one yourself. All topics and levels of experience are welcome!
Food will be provided for all attendees, courtesy of our sponsors.
We are always looking for more sponsors and venues - if you know someone that can help us keep our gophers fed and happy, please get in touch!
Please note that all attendees and sponsors are required to follow the Go code of conduct (https://golang.org/conduct).
Venue: http://www.shefftechparks.com/
* Monzo - https://monzo.com/
* Utility Warehouse - https://www.utilitywarehouse.co.uk/
Edited at
Description changed:
Welcome to GoSheffield! This is where the Go community in Sheffield meets once a month to talk about cool hacks and interesting technology.
* Game of Bandersphinx - Ian Selkirk
* Speaking Less Sharply in Go - Charles Forsyth
* What's coming in Go 1.13 - Daniel Martí
Please get in touch with the organisers if you'd like to give one yourself. All topics and levels of experience are welcome!
Food will be provided for all attendees, courtesy of our sponsors.
We are always looking for more sponsors and venues - if you know someone that can help us keep our gophers fed and happy, please get in touch!
Please note that all attendees and sponsors are required to follow the Go code of conduct (https://golang.org/conduct).
Venue: http://www.shefftechparks.com/
* Monzo - https://monzo.com/
* Utility Warehouse - https://www.utilitywarehouse.co.uk/
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