Global Diversity CFP Day - Sheffield

Global Diversity CFP Day is an opportunity to get more involved in the tech community through networking with others, receiving exciting tech talks from those in the industry, or by giving your very first public talk.

There’ll be a variety of talks given at this workshop, which is open to all, by complete beginners to experienced speakers, on topics like coming up with talk proposal ideas and improving your confidence that’ll help you work on your own speaking skills but also all kinds of tech talks telling you about the latest and greatest new technologies and frameworks! Speakers and talks are yet to be confirmed, so keep your eye out for updates.

If you’re interested in giving a talk yourself, please submit your proposals at!

There’ll also be the chance to sign up for lightning talks at the beginning of the workshop if you have a last minute wave of inspiration!

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to (Europe/London time)

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Attending: 1 person.