57North Hacklab: Air Quality Monitor Build Workshop

You will build a air quality monitor based on the Design from Luftdaten luftdaten.info with some modifications, it iwll be hands on but is open to all ages and levels.

there is a charge of £30 for the workshop which only covers the costs of the parts for the sensor.

to (Europe/London time)

More details and tickets: wiki.57north.org.uk

More Information

57North is a hacker collective with a shared space located in Aberdeen, Scotland. We meet regularly to share knowledge, hack on projects together, and build community. If you’re interested in joining 57North, come to some of our public meetings or visit our website for more details.

57North Hacklab is the Aberdeen Hackerspace. It is located in the center of Aberdeen City and easily accessible by bus and train. Parking is available, although very limited.

Access to the Hacklab is from Skene Terrace, door next to the steps up to North Silver Street. Members can unlock this door from outside, for events that are open to non-members there should be a doorbell to ring.

57North Hacklab
3 Skene Terrace
AB10 1RL