Aberdeen Developers .Net User Group: Hacktoberfest Event

For the last 4 years, DigitalOcean (in conjunction with GitHub) have been running an event called Hacktoberfest. It is a month long event where you are encouraged to contribute to Open Source Projects (hosted on GitHub) and in return you get some cool swag (typically a t-shirt and some stickers). All you have to do is submit 5 pull requests to projects on GitHub during the month of October. Registration for the event is completely free. More information on this event can be found here: hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com

Aberdeen Developers .Net User Group as pleased to announce that they will be supporting this years Hacktoberfest by inviting a small number of people to join them at the Codify offices for an evening of Open Source Hacking. The idea is simple, whether you are a seasoned veteran of contributing to Open Source Projects or you are doing it for the first time, come along to this event, come along to see how things are done.

There will be a short introduction on some "best practices" in terms of getting started with Open Source, and after that it will be a case of getting "stuck in" and creating some pull requests, which will get you on your way to getting some free swag.

In addition to the Hacktoberfest goodies, it is also possible to get your hands on a limited edition Microsoft t-shirt by contributing a pull request to a Microsoft Repository. More information on this offer can be found here: open.microsoft.com

Due to the size of the venue, we are intentionally keeping the number of spaces quite low. Can I ask that you only register for the event if you intend on completing the Hacktoberfest event.

17:30 - Doors Open
17:45 to 18:00 - General Introduction
18:00 to 18:30 - Workshop: how to contribute to open source
18:30 to 20:00 - Hacking on some open source projects together

Please ensure you keep your RSVP up to date and if you have any questions, comments, or special requirements (eg dietary or accessibility) please get in touch.

Please note, there is no parking at the venue but there is parking available at Golden Square, Denburn and Chapel Street.

to (Europe/London time)

More details and tickets: www.meetup.com

Imported From: www.meetup.com

More Information

Formed in June 2010, the Aberdeen Developers .Net User Group is a non-profit user group which aims to benefit software developers in and around the Aberdeen area.

Primarily, we aim to offer in person events which deal with the various aspects of .Net Development. The topics for these meetings are decided by the User Group Committee, however, if there is a particular area that you would like to see an event on, then please feel free to get in touch with us.

It is our hope that all events will be provided absolutely free, or at a very minimal cost. We are able to do this through the generous support of our sponsors, without whom this group would not exist.