Sheffield Ruby User Group: TTY - Ruby alchemist’s secret potion

What if there was a set of simple and potent gems that could exponentially increase productivity when building modern terminal applications such as Bundler, in next to no time?

If you’re curious about creating your own tools and games in the terminal, I can show you how to harness this power and become a command line applications alchemist. Learn how to mix and match various TTY potions to come up with a secret mixture for analysing cryptocurrency gold or breathing life into the ASCII characters.

* About our speaker *

Software engineer by day, open sourcer by night, mathematician by design and human languages enthusiast by life, Piotr has released many open source projects such as tty, finite_machine and github_api. In recent years, Piotr has been obsessively thinking about optimising Ruby terminal applications development.

* About our venue *

Our meetup will take place at our usual venue, Union St.

After the meetup, we’ll be heading to The Devonshire Cat for drinks, food and chat.

to (Europe/London time)

More details and tickets:

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More Information

We're a group of people who meet on the second Monday of each month to discuss and learn about Ruby, Rails and other interesting tech/web/programming stuff.
If you're new to Ruby or want to learn more about Rails then feel free to drop in.
If you've got something to share and want to give a talk then let us know at!