Aberdeen PHP User Group aims to provide a regular meeting for developers in Aberdeen and the surrounding areas to get together and discuss just about anything in and around the PHP Community.
We meet on the first Wednesday of each month and run talks or open conversations around a variety of tech topics; with a focus on PHP development but extending to general development practises.
Get in touch on twitter/slack/facebook if you are wanting to give us your two cents and we'll save you a slot.
Aberdeen PHP User Group aims to provide a regular meeting for developers in Aberdeen and the surrounding areas to get together and discuss just about anything in and around the PHP Community.
This month we are joined by Alan Reid, telling us how we can start "Deploying Safely at Speed"!
"With the advent of cloud computing the software development industry has started to undergo massive changes. Reduced barriers to entry and the ease of access to services has seen many new entrants shake up traditional markets. In these changing times how do you ensure that you remain ahead of your competitors? The answer is SPEED. Moving faster than your competitors will help to ensure you remain relevant. Moving quickly can lead to problems however so let's take a look at why you should deploy at speed using continuous integration and continuous delivery."