Aberdeen PHP User Group aims to provide a regular meeting for developers in Aberdeen and the surrounding areas to get together and discuss just about anything in and around the PHP Community.
We meet on the first Wednesday of each month and run talks or open conversations around a variety of tech topics; with a focus on PHP development but extending to general development practises.
This month we're having a "How we work" session where everyone is welcome to spend 5, 10 or 15 mins sharing a little bit about how they work. This could be about your workspace set-up, tools, hot drink choice, dev systems, tips, tricks, desk mess, hosting, routines, chairs or whatever you'd like to share!
Get in touch on twitter/slack/facebook if you are wanting to give us your two cents and we'll save you a slot.
Aberdeen PHP User Group aims to provide a regular meeting for developers in Aberdeen and the surrounding areas to get together and discuss just about anything in and around the PHP Community.
We meet on the first Wednesday of each month and run talks or open conversations around a variety of tech topics; with a focus on PHP development but extending to general development practises.
This month we have Craig McCreath speaking about Refactoring Large Legacy Applications with Laravel.
Get in touch on twitter/slack/facebook if you are wanting to give us your two cents and we'll save you a slot.
Aberdeen PHP User Group aims to provide a regular meeting for developers in Aberdeen and the surrounding areas to get together and discuss just about anything in and around the PHP Community.
We meet on the first Wednesday of each month and run talks or open conversations around a variety of tech topics; with a focus on PHP development but extending to general development practises.
This month we have Craig McCreath speaking about Refactoring Large Legacy Applications with Laravel.
"You've been given the task of refactoring that legacy app, so what are you going to do to make sure you're leaving something better? How are you going to tackle something made over the years with features built and understood by those who’ve left and live in infamy?"
"In this talk we'll look at different techniques you can take to overhaul legacy applications. We'll work from the ground up with planning, production, and aftercare: focusing on 3 different approaches with Laravel you can take depending on your time, budget, and needs so you'll end up with a legacy to be proud of."
Get in touch on twitter/slack/facebook if you are wanting to give us your two cents and we'll save you a slot.