Scottish Blockchain Meetup: Building a Trans-National Health Service + CityChain17 Round Up

April Blockchain MeetUp, confirmed so far:

James Littlejohn

Title: Building a trans-national health service

Bitcoin has made banking available to many of the so called ‘unbanked’ people of the world. Many billions of people are still without access to health knowledge. This talk will present how a collaboration of decentralized technologies, storage, smart contracts and computation can shift the current health paradigm from disease management towards one focused on prevention, repair and eventually rejuvenation.

Delivered on a permissionless right to participate basis.

Also, we have video content to share from which was an excellent event in London on 4th April.

Event schedule:

6:30pm : Arrive, Networking, Beer & Pizza
7.00pm: Presentations
8.00pm: Discussion / Q&A
8.30pm: Networking and Drinks

to (Europe/London time)

More details and tickets:

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A chance for people to get together regularly to talk blockchain tech, Bitcoin, Ethereum and decentralisation in general. The group is open to everyone involved in the blockchain and Bitcoin communities - experts, amateurs, miners, critics, whoever. If in doubt, come along and learn something new.