• 18:30: Introduction to Mob Programming with Joe Wright (@joe_jag)
• 20:30: One for the Road at the Slug & Lettuce
Thanks to our amazing sponsors, Altia Solutions and SkyScanner; without their support, this event wouldn't be possible.
Introduction to Mob Programming
"All the brilliant people working on the same thing, at the same time, in the same space, and on the same computer" - Woody Zuill
There is a radically different way of creating software. It works by your entire team deciding to work on only one thing at at time and only on one computer. It seems like the slowest imaginable way of creating software, but I'm here to tell you that the reality is quite different.
During this session you'll learn why mob programming works. And how it makes it possible to deliver a high quality product quickly.
We'll start off with an introduction about the practice of mob programming and how you can get started. Then we'll spend most of the session trying out mob programming for real. As we will come together as a new team and tackle a software problem.
There's no need to bring any equipment, we'll only need one laptop.