Steve Cox of SC3D helps you get started with 3d design using Autodesk Fusion 360!
Autodesk Fusion 360 is part of Autodesk’s vision for “The Future Of Making Things”. It is an easy-to-learn, and easy-to-use, 3D product creation software application that also includes extremely powerful tools for advanced users. It is available in both Windows and Mac versions for computers using 64-bit operating systems. Best of all it’s offered on a free-to-use basis to Students, Educators, Start-Ups and Hobbyists.
Atendees MUST bring their own laptop and should have registered, downloaded and installed Fusion 360 from before the course. (Note : Follow the panel on the right hand side of the screen on how to register for free use)
Autodesk also offer introductory training through their Authorised Academic Partners and website. To benefit from this you will need to register for an Autodesk Fusion 360 account and download it onto your device. Then bring your device along to the workshop to learn how you can very quickly get started designing in 3D. You’ll also see how it’s use of cloud computing can enable you to collaborate, share, and utilise some of its advanced capabilities.