Python Sheffield: November 2016

The November event is still to be determined but, as usual, will be from 18:30 on the last Tuesday of the month.

This will be the final event of 2016 as we take December off.

Attendance is free and the event is intended to be suitable for all levels of python experience. If you'd like to attend this meeting, it is advisable to bring a laptop. Any under 18s who wish to attend must be accompanied by an adult, preferably also with an interest in Python.

Code of Conduct:
We uphold the PSF code of conduct:

You should report any concerns about any attendee behaviour to the organiser, Gary Martin.

to (Europe/London time)

Python Sheffield monthly user group. Open to Pythonistas, occasional Python users and those who wish to learn more about the Python programming language.

Union St is on the corner opposite First Point - see