Python Sheffield: Hardware Hacking evening - micro:bit and friends

Please note that this event is ticketed as previous similar events have proved to be reasonably popular. Tickets are free but donations to our hosts, Union St., will be welcome on the day. Tickets are available from this link:

This month we are going to be having a Hardware Hacking evening with micro:bits, Raspberry Pis and Pyboards!

While Python has many great uses but with the advent of the Raspberry Pi and also the MicroPython project it has become a great tool for using to interact with sensors and create rich behaviour in hardware projects with relatively little knowledge of electronics.

The evening is going to be split into two parts.

In the first part, anyone who wants to show off things that they have already made, from lighting leds to small robots can, well.. show off!

Please remember to be sensible about the dimensions of projects that you bring along, those that draw a significant amount of power and, obviously, no projectiles or things that could be considered as weapons. This is not meant to be robot wars! If there is anything of this nature you want to show off, it may be possible to show videos of your creations instead.

In the second part of the evening we will split up into small groups and play with some of the micro:bits, raspberry pis and pyboards and see what we can create for the end of event show-and-tell.

The following is a rough guide for how the evening is expected to unfold:

17:45 - 18:15: Informally, a number of us are likely to be at the StreetFoodChef on Arundel Street for burritos. While these are not provided as part of attending, anyone is welcome to join us.

18:30 - 18:40: Meeting starts with some time for announcements and usually some chatter.

18:40 - 19:00: Phase 1: Show and tell of any hardware projects attendees want to show off

19:00 - 20:15: Phase 2: Split into groups to play with the boards.

20:15 - 20:30: Final show-and-tell.

20:30 - late : Migrate to a local pub (this is usually the Tap and Tankard on Cambridge Street, near John Lewis) for post event drinks. Note that this part of the evening is probably not suitable for any children to join in with, though this does depend on the rules set by the pub.

Attendance is free and the event is intended to be suitable for all levels of python experience.

Note that you should probably bring a laptop to make the most of this event, preferably with Python 2.7 or Python 3.4+ already installed.

Any under 18s who wish to attend must be accompanied by an adult, preferably also with an interest in Python or programming in general.

Code of Conduct:
We uphold the PSF code of conduct:

to (Europe/London time)


More Information

Python Sheffield monthly user group. Open to Pythonistas, occasional Python users and those who wish to learn more about the Python programming language.

Union St is on the corner opposite First Point - see