2025 ShefTest Networking Event

To kick off 2025, we're going to have a networking event for anyone interested in the world of testing. We're going to have games and pizza to allow people to chat and break the ice. Please feel free to bring anything along that demonstrates a testing technique or mindset.

Please remember if topics start discussion we're happy to go into that but please follow the Code Of Conduct so we can have a inclusive space.
Pizza will be provided (thanks to our lovely sponsors at BJSS!) but please message me if you have any dietary requirements we need to account for.

Thanks everyone! Look forward to seeing some of you there!


17:30 - 18:00: Guest Arrival, Pizza & Beverages
18:00 - 20:00: Presentation & Networking

to (Europe/London time)

More details and tickets: www.meetup.com

More Information


38 Carver St, Sheffield City Centre
S1 4FS