Workshop for employers to provide input into a new set of Higher Technical Qualifications at Sheffield Hallam University

SHU are hosting a workshop for employers to provide input into a new set of Higher Technical Qualifications they are looking to offer, inclluding four in digital subjects:

Digital Accessibility
Digital Community Management
Network Engineering
Software Development

The workshops will take place on Friday the 25th October at the Hallam i-Lab, Aspect Court, Pond Street, and will run from 10am followed by a lunch at 1pm.

Higher Technical Qualifications are classroom-based, student-funded courses delivered in FE Colleges at levels 4 and 5, They are designed to offer a route into high-quality technical careers, without the need for students to study for a full undergraduate degree at level 6. Employer engagement at the curriculum design stage and ongoing is required to ensure the courses are and remain useful to employers as the sector develops.

Get in touch with Lynsey Jefferies ( if you’d like an invitation to attend.

to (Europe/London time)
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