We will start with a look at what WebAssembly (WASM) is and how it can be used, then look at some of the options for running python code in WASM.This will include
* "official" CPython WASM build.
* Spin SDK https://github.com/fermyon/spin-python-sdk
* Pyodide https://github.com/pyodide/pyodide?tab=readme-ov-file
* marimo https://marimo.io/ Jupyter style notebooks in WASM with an interesting dataflow model for cell execution
* whatever other interesting things I find while writing the talk :)
After the talk we will have one or more challenges for you to attempt - so bring your laptop!
Bio: Rob is an electronic engineer, working on FPGAs processing network traffic to stock exchanges. At work he uses python for a variety of testing and debugging things and uses it for a wide range of things in personal projects, from microcontrollers up through bigger computers.