SheffieldR - Sheffield R Users Group: Dive into {targets} - talk by Simon Rolph

Dive into {targets}
Delve into the dynamic world of the {targets} R package—a powerful tool designed to streamline and enhance your data science and analysis workflows.

targets is not just another package; it’s a game-changer for reproducibility, efficiency, and scalability in your R projects. Developed to manage complex dependency graphs, targets automates the execution of your analyses, making it easier to track changes.

In this session we’ll introduce the targets package, discuss why it’s useful and explore the core features of the targets package by defining a basic pipeline.

Biography - Simon Rolph
Simon is a Data Scientist at the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology where he works to enhance our understanding of biodiversity and contribute to informed environmental decision-making. Technology is his enabler: data science methods, research software best practices, and digital engagements help him achieve these goals.

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More Information

SheffieldR is an opportunity for anyone in Sheffield with an interest in R to meet up, listen to a couple of interesting presentations on R implementations and then network over a drink. The events are free and anyone, at whatever level of R skill, is welcome to attend. We rely on members of the Sheffield R community to speak at our meetups and try to offer a mix of "beginners" and "expert" level talks.