Using Data to Text Technology to understand Data


Data-to-text technology enables AI (artificial intelligence) computer systems to generate summaries, analyses, and explanations of complex data sets, in plain English. Dr Ehud Reiter will explain how the technology works and is being used in general, and then focus on potential applications in the oil industry, including financial reporting and equipment monitoring, where we have demonstrated that the technology really helps people to understand and act on complex data.

About the speaker:

Ehud Reiter is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Aberdeen and Chief Scientist at Arria NLG. Reiter is one of the leading experts in Natural Language Generation (NLG). He is chair of ACL Special Interest Group on Generation (SIGGEN), has a Google Scholar H-index of 54, and writes a widely read blog on NLG ( He co-founded Arria’s predecessor company, Data2Text, in 2009 to commercialize NLG. He currently leads a Research and Development group at Arria which explores advanced AI and NL technologies.

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