Sheffield Pattern Club: Algorithmic pattern meetup: live coding music with TidalCycles 1.9

A meetup for people interested in ‘algorithmic patterns’, in live coding and other creative practices.

For this first meet we’ll take a beginner-friendly look at TidalCycles (, the free/open source live coding environment for live coding and algorithmic music, and in particular the newly released version 1.9. The session will be lead by Alex McLean, the instigator of the TidalCycles project.

Feel free to bring a laptop to get hands-on with TidalCycles. Please try to install TidalCycles in advance, but help will be on hand if you have problems getting it going!

We’ll also take a quick look at Strudel (, a port of TidalCycles for the web browser.

Participation is free, but please sign up so we know how many to expect, and can let you know of any last-minute changes!

Code of Conduct:
We are dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), or technology choices. This applies both in person or via online media. Please check the full code of conduct here:

to (Europe/London time)

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More Information

Attending: yaxu

Sheffield Pattern Club is a group of people who meet roughly monthly to explore patterns in craft, technology, music, performing arts etc. Imposters and beginners are welcome.

You can find the venue opposite Marks and Spencer on Fargate.

The venue has step-free access, and accessible toilet facilities.