CodeTheCity: Scottish Open Data Unconference - SODU 2022

The unconference is the ONLY annual Open Data event in Scotland. It brings together data publishers, data users and infomediaries from a variety of backgrounds: academia, journalism, the public and third sectors, as well as citizens and activists.

It is the opportunity to highlight projects, engage with the community, seek feedback, form alliances, kick off new enterprises, seek data and start campaigns that can change policy.

This event will follow the open space format, where participants create the agenda each morning for the sessions that will happen that day.

Reduced price early bird tickets available until early September, when regular tickets will be made available.

We'll do our best to make the main plenary session and most breakout rooms available online.

Code of Conduct:

to (Europe/London time)

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Attending: watty62

About CodeTheCity

CodeTheCity is a civic hacking weekend bringing together coders, designers, service providers, government, business and local communities to work on projects to improve our cities.