Yorkshire Cyber Security Cluster (YCSC): In-Person Event

This YCSC meeting is overlapping with our Cyber Runway Yorkshire Regional Event, run in conjunction with Plexal.

Cybersecurity SMEs, practitioners and thought leaders are invited to join day 2 of our cyber runway event for an extended YCSC meeting from 12am for networking, presentations and discussion around cyber security with the attendees and speakers from day 1 of the cyber runway event. Our schedule is:

12:00 - 13:30 - Lunch, networking and open mic session

13:30 - 15:00 - 20 minute presentations plus 5 minute Q&A sessions:
- Sam Donaldson, Director at Perspective Economics: “Understanding the UK cybersecurity sector”
- Stephen Wray, Partner at Deloitte Cyber: "Cyber - whos buying?"
- Adrian Taylor, Startups and Innovations Mentor at Deloitte Cyber: "Cyber trends - What's coming over the horizon?"

15:00 - 17:00
- ISO27001 update - Gary Hibberd
- NCSC 2022 strategy - Melanie Oldham OBE
- Book club: Open Source Intelligence Techniques by Michael Bazzell
- Networking and drinks

to (Europe/London time)

More details and tickets: www.eventbrite.co.uk

More Information

The Yorkshire Cyber Security Cluster is a collaborative group of experts within the cyber security industry that are committed to reducing cyber crime in the Yorkshire region.
- The cluster brings together SMEs, Governing bodies, Universities, Yorkshire Police and regional CISOs and those with a vested interest in cyber.
- Collaboration, sharing of best practices and offer expert advice and guidance to one another and the local community.

If you'd like to engage in insightful discussions or learn from our important presentations, this is for you. Even if you're simply new to the cyber security industry you can join us in discussions and networking with guest speakers to broaden your knowledge base and grow your contacts.