Sheffield Hallam University
How might your businesses capitalise on newfound optimism and implement strategies for growth as the economy reopens without social distancing restrictions?
Sheffield Hallam University: How might your businesses capitalise on newfound optimism and implement strategies for growth as the economy reopens without social distancing restrictions?
Summary changed:
How might your businesses capitalise on newfound optimism and implement strategies for growth as the economy reopens without social distancing restrictions?
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At this Insider Online Forum you will hear the plans of some of our region’s exciting businesses and from those who can help them on their journey.
You will be able to put questions to our expert panel on the free-to-view Q&A forum as we assess the challenges companies of all sizes still face following the paralysis of the COVID-19 era.
We ask if now is the time to:
recruit or upskill?
invest in product and service development, new premises and technology?
explore new markets at home and abroad?
gain market share through acquisition?
The event will investigate the availability of finance to support growth ambitions. It will also outline the business and skills support available and how it fits with wider economic priorities.
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Ticket URL changed:
Start changed:
Wed 23rd Jun 2021 11:00am (Europe/London)
End changed:
Wed 23rd Jun 2021 1:00pm (Europe/London)
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Code of Conduct changed:
This will be an online event.
Disclaimer: Please note that by registering your interest for this event you accept that your name and company will be shared with Insider event sponsors and magazine subscribers in attendance.