This month we're starting the evening where most of our other meetups end... with a couple of rounds of discussion and lively debate.
We'll supply a range of discussion topics, from the seemingly innocuous "What's the best bug you've ever found?" to the downright inflammatory "We don't need testers, just get the devs to write more tests!". It's up to you to expand, defend or deconstruct the hand you're dealt.
Come and play along, share your story or maybe play devil's advocate?
The rough running order for the evening will be:
6:30 - Virtual Doors open
7:00 - Ready, Steady, Talk!
8:00 (or whenever we run out of steam) - Back downstairs to see what's on telly.
As always, if you'd like to sponsor, host or speak at a future event then please do get in touch! And don't forget to keep an eye on the Meetup page or on for details of upcoming events.
Big thanks to our sponsors - Tech Parks for letting us use their wonderful meeting space! And Ministry of Testing for just existing and being awesome.