Podcasting webinar

How can podcasting help get your business through the Coronavirus?

You might not have considered it, but right now really is the perfect time to be starting a podcast for your brand - let James Marriott explain why and help get you on the road to setting one up.

- How podcasting gives you a unique opportunity to be part of p-eople’s “new normal”
- Why podcasting is adaptable, future-proof and safe from social distancing
- Learn how a podcast can help grow your business now and in the future
- Tips and pointers to help you find your perfect podcast idea

There will be extra time at the end for Q&A if you can stay a bit longer than half an hour.

This webinar will take place on Zoom, and the link and password will be distributed by email a couple of days before plus a reminder a couple of hours before. Make sure you've signed up if you want to come along so you get those details.

to (Europe/London time)

More details and tickets: podcasting-webinar.eventbrite.co.uk

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