R-Shiny for Decision Making
A short presentation on the use of R-Shiny to aid decision makers. Two examples are open source; including a study of the social and geographic disparities in the access to and the participation in parkrun events in England. The project aimed to support parkrun’s planned expansion, by providing recommendations for 200 new event locations, maximising access for deprived communities.
Robert Smith is a PhD Student in Public Health Economics & Decision Science, ScHARR.
Getting to know the debugger in RStudio
If you're writing moderately complicated code in R there are times when your code throws an error but you don't know why: the error occurs inside a function or loop, the error message is obtuse or unhelpful, one of the many parameter sets you're processing is causing a problem... In this talk I'll introduce the debugger in RStudio, which helps you to get inside your code and diagnose problems from within.
Tamora James is a PhD researcher in Animal and Plant Sciences with a former life as a web and software developer. She is a co-organiser of the Sheffield R Users Group and a contributor to the British Ecological Society publication ‘A Guide to Reproducible Code in Ecology and Evolution’.
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SheffieldR is an opportunity for anyone in Sheffield with an interest in R to meet up, listen to a couple of interesting presentations on R implementations and then network over a drink. The events are free and anyone, at whatever level of R skill, is welcome to attend. We rely on members of the Sheffield R community to speak at our meetups and try to offer a mix of "beginners" and "expert" level talks.