Citizen Media and Technology Shifts - Ivan Sigal (Global Voices)
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There hasn't been a Cardiff ORG Meetup recently but some of you may be interested in this talk by Ivan Sigal, Executive Director of Global Voices, at Cardiff University. Sorry for the late notice...
Citizen Media and the Perils of Technology ShiftsIvan Sigal, Executive Director, Global Voices
Tuesday, 1st March 2016 at 4pm, Bute Building Room 0.14
Commercial social media platforms and their shaping of online speech now dominate citizen media, and shift how we write, speak and make images. The concomitant decline of the single-author blog points to a shift away from coherent online writing and toward fragmented online speech, visual conversation and increasingly, closed group conversations not accessible by search. We will examine the implications for social media reporting and public conversation, and consider possible future directions for this tech shift.
Have something you want to say to your MP but not sure how?
ORG Cardiff is running a letter writing workshop with Ed Paton-Williams, campaigner at ORG. This event is free and open to the public, reserve your place by attending this MeetUp event.
Learn how to write a letter about the Snoopers Charter to your local newspaper, MP and local representatives that make an impact. An effective written letter is a key tool in raising the profile of issues you care about.
Ed Paton-Williams will introduce letter writing, explain why it's effective and provide advice on how to write one that makes an impact. You can write something there and then to send off that evening.
Because this is a hands on workshop we do need to limit numbers, we have space for 15 attendees.
You do not have to be a member of ORG to attend and newcomers to ORG Cardiff are more than welcome! You don't have to be an expert on our issues, Ed is there to provide advice. All you need is to be interested! :)
A similar event was held in London, check out the great feedback from attendees on the London group's meet up:
Read up about our campaigns and what you might like to write about here:
P.S. Apologies for the short notice but our usual venue has closed down! :( Big thank you to Indycube for letting us use their space. Check out indycube and their work here.