The March 2nd meet up is going to be presented by Chris Riley (@giveupalready)
Alice and Bob have secrets they want to talk about without Eve being able to listen in. Worse yet, the mischievous Mallory delights in changing messages sent between parties. In such a hostile environment how can Alice talk to Bob without their messages being overheard and how can she be sure that it was Bob that sent the message in the first place?
This talk will take a brief look at historic codes and ciphers before taking a look at modern day Cryptography. If you want to be able to know the difference between a block cipher and a stream cipher or get a glimpse into the mathematics behind public key Cryptography this talk is for you.
Before/After the Meetup:
A few members will likely be in The Font beforehand for a drink and a bite to eat, and afterwards there'll be a group heading to Soar Point (or somewhere else nearby) for a social catch up.
Deacon Street car park is where people usually park, the postcode is LE2 7DP. (There's also spots on the street directly outside the gateway building but they're usually all taken up!) Deacon Street is available from 6pm onwards as we have permission from the University to use the car park.
Google Maps Link - Note the car-park is on Havelock Street (Despite being called the "Deacon Street car park" - we know...)
If you have any trouble parking / finding us, drop us a tweet @PHPem and we'll get you sorted.
The February 2nd meet up is going to be presented by Amy Dickens (@RedRoxProjects)
Amy Dickens from the Mixed Reality Lab at The University of Nottingham will be giving a talk on three important questions you should ask when designing interfaces for users. Amy's research is in gesture controlled sound for users with complex disabilities and in her talk she will guide you through some of the expected and not so expected criteria she encounters in her work. Amy will also talk about developing communities as a GitHub Campus Expert and her work towards encouraging more women into technology roles.
Before/After the Meetup:
A few members will likely be in The Font beforehand for a drink and a bite to eat, and afterwards there'll be a group heading to Soar Point (or somewhere else nearby) for a social catch up.
Deacon Street car park is where people usually park, the postcode is LE2 7DP. (There's also spots on the street directly outside the gateway building but they're usually all taken up!) Deacon Street is available from 6pm onwards as we have permission from the University to use the car park.
Google Maps Link - Note the car-park is on Havelock Street (Despite being called the "Deacon Street car park" - we know...)
If you have any trouble parking / finding us, drop us a tweet @PHPem and we'll get you sorted.
Rob Allen: Deployment within a Traditional IT Environment
Description changed:
The January 5th meet up is going to be presented by Rob Allen (@akrabat)
Recently, I have delivered web applications that are deployed to Windows IIS and IBM i environments and will share the challenges and solutions we came up with in order to use modern development practices in environments that are less commonly used for web apps. Automating your deployment brings many benefits, the largest one being repeatability. In this talk, I'll share some of the issues and solutions required to ensure that your app can be automatically deployed. I'll talk about the options for automated deployment solutions and also look at some of the challenges in terms of both organisational and technical aspects when the IT department is not used to developers having a say.
Before/After the meetup:
A few members will likely be in The Font beforehand for a drink and a bite to eat, and afterwards there'll be a group heading to Soar Point (or somewhere else nearby) for a social catch up.
Deacon Street car park is where people usually park, the postcode is LE2 7DP. (There's also spots on the street directly outside the gateway building but they're usually all taken up!) Deacon Street is available from 6pm onwards as we have permission from the University to use the car park.
Google Maps Link - Note the car-park is on Havelock Street (Despite being called the "Deacon Street car park" - we know...)
If you have any trouble parking / finding us, drop us a tweet @PHPem and we'll get you sorted.
Antonios Pavlakis: Climbing out of the legacy quicksand
Description changed:
The December 1st meet up is going to be presented by Antonios Pavlakis (@Pavlakis)
Are you working with a legacy application? Whether you inherited it or if the project just grew out of proportion over the years it can be daunting. The thought of making changes or bug fixing can be enough to give you nightmares. No fear you can take a sigh of relief. All is not lost.
A few years ago I found myself working on a legacy project. It wasn't pretty. It was very challenging but I made it through.
And when the next project and the next one and the next and the one after that were also legacy systems, I soon found it much easier to work on them by being more methodical.
In this talk, I will share those experiences and I'll be going over the approach I now (mostly) take when working on legacy systems. We'll look at many of the tools I've used, as well as some quick wins and practical examples. By the end of the talk I hope you will be better prepared to face legacy code.
Before/After the meetup:
A few members will likely be in The Font beforehand for a drink and a bite to eat, and afterwards there'll be a group heading to Soar Point (or somewhere else nearby) for a social catch up.
Deacon Street car park is where people usually park, the postcode is LE2 7DP. (There's also spots on the street directly outside the gateway building but they're usually all taken up!) Deacon Street is available from 6pm onwards as we have permission from the University to use the car park.
Google Maps Link - Note the car-park is on Havelock Street (Despite being called the "Deacon Street car park" - we know...)
If you have any trouble parking / finding us, drop us a tweet @PHPem and we'll get you sorted.
See the website for full details and tickets (
NOTE: Sign up is not through - tickets will be required through the site (handled by Eventbrite) - SIGN UP USING THE LINK ABOVE.
You may have seen on twitter, and at our meetups, and a few other local events you've been at... It's that time of the year again when a monthly meetup is just not enough geekery, the time of year where we need to have a day of talks on a wide range of topics given by the best speakers... you!
So join us for a day filled with great talks, food, great company and good conversations.
What is an Un-conference ?
Think of an unconference like any other conference except the agenda is created by the attendees at the beginning of the day.
Anyone who wants to initiate a discussion on a topic can claim a time and a space from the grid of available talk slots. Unconferences can have talks, panels or discussions the format is up to the person claiming the slot. If you want to raise a talk topic before hand feel free drop into slack, or send an email to [masked] and suggest something.
The talks themselves are in groups of a maximum of about 30 people, a small unintimiadating audience, everyone is welcome to speak. If you want to just listen, that's fine too, come along and mingle with people just like you!
Lunch is included within the ticket price.
For more information, don't hesitate to contact us on Twitter (@PHPem).
• 9AM Doors open for Registration
• 10AM Conference starts with an Introduction to PHP East Midlands and an opening talk
• 1PM Lunch
• 2PM Conference Resumes
• 4PM Closing talk and thanks
• 4:30PM Event close and head off to optional social event in town
For our June 4th meetup, we welcome Mike Preston (@darkflib) for a talk on:
Using websockets with PHP
"Every time you hear people say they are using Websockets you hear the same languages repeated over and over: Node.js, python, go etc. Seldom do you hear PHP.
In this talk I will show you two PHP websocket solutions and how to build an simple app."
You may have heard of Gulp - it’s a task runner and build tool that allows you to automate repetitive tasks for your app. Compiling SASS/LESS etc, minifying and concatenating files to reduce the number and size of requests on a page.
This workshop will be more front-end focused than PHP focused (but there are some PHP things you can do with Gulp!). How we can get gulp working with SASS / JS, eventually moving onto using Bower to pull in some components we may need for a project and covering some modular SASS / CSS & frontend concepts
Plan for the day:
• 9:30 Arrive / doors open
• 10:00 Intro talk on Gulp
• 10:30 Make sure everyone setup & working correctly
• 11:00 Start coding
• 12:30 Lunch (provided for you at the event)
• 13:30 Back to code
• 15:30 Wrap up / questions
• 16:00 Finish (pub, drinks? Bite to eat?)
There will be starter code posted on Github (with a working Vagrant box) for this event posted sometime before the event.
You may have heard of Gulp - it’s a task runner and build tool that allows you to automate repetitive tasks for your app. Compiling SASS/LESS etc, minifying and concatenating files to reduce the number and size of requests on a page.
This workshop will be more front-end focused than PHP focused (but there are some PHP things you can do with Gulp!). How we can get gulp working with SASS / JS, eventually moving onto using Bower to pull in some components we may need for a project.
Plan for the day:
• 9:30 Arrive / doors open
• 10:00 Intro talk on Gulp
• 10:30 Make sure everyone setup & working correctly
• 11:00 Start coding
• 12:30 Lunch (provided for you at the event)
• 13:30 Back to code
• 15:30 Wrap up / questions
• 16:00 Finish (pub, drinks? Bite to eat?)
There will be starter code posted on Github (with a working Vagrant box) for this event posted sometime before the event.
Matt Brunt (@TheMattBrunt) will be doing a talk on "Intro to Gulp"
Abstract: You may have heard of Gulp - it’s a task runner and build tool that allows you to automate repetitive tasks for your app. Compiling SASS/LESS etc, minifying and concatenating files to reduce the number and size of requests on a page. But it also has uses for the PHP world too.