Lean Agile Edinburgh

One theme that comes up a lot at our meetups is how to help spread the word about agile approaches within an organisation, to help achieve and sustain better outcomes. This month we have 3 talks that will share some ideas on how to make a start:

6pm-6:30pm - Arrival & Networking
6:30pm - Welcome/kick-off
Talks from:
* Jo Martin - How to change when nobody wants to
* Russell Murray - Agile On A Page: A Simple Tool To Develop Mindset
* Michael Haigney - How do UX and agile co-exist?
8:30pm'ish - Wrap-Up

Refreshments kindly provided by our hosts Nucleus Financial

Talk details:
How to change when nobody wants to
Why is it hard for people to change their ways of working and what can leaders do to help ease the transition to agile?

Agile On A Page: A Simple Tool To Develop Mindset
Pre-digital & large companies (very!) often misunderstand what agility is and achieve little more than the dreaded cargo-cult. I'll share a simple visual tool I use to influence leaders, charter teams, and support everyone to keep checking their decisions aren't taking them in the wrong direction.

How do UX and agile co-exist?
The buzzwords of the last 5+ years have been agile, lean, scrum, transformation & change! In a multi-disciplinary, cross-functional team is UX well understood? What can "developers" and "designers" learn from each other and how to work together to meet organisation and users needs?

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More Information

Started in June 2013, Lean Agile Edinburgh is an informal and social monthly meetup to discuss and share all things agile, lean, kanban, scrum, etc. At most meetups we have talks, workshops/activities or Lean-Coffee discussion sessions.