Cyber Scotland Connect: Open Mic Night (AKA: Observe, Share, Enjoy!)

We're restarting our regular Open Mic Nights!

These smaller events are designed to give less experienced speakers the chance to share a talk/presentation/demo/lab that they have prepared (or thought up on the spot!). But all presenters are welcome to share!

There is no pressure to present, you can just observe.
Just note if no one shares, it'll be a boring event!

Slots can be as short as 5mins and as long as 20mins and audio/visual equipment is provided, you just need a laptop if you choose to use slides/demo something.

People with any (or no) experience are welcome, and if you would like some help in preparing your session, please message us and we'll support you however we can.

Places are limited to 35 people to encourage those less experienced/confident to openly share.

We're kindly being hosted by FreeAgent at their central office with refreshments being sponsored by Adarma!

Address: FreeAgent, 133 Fountainbridge, Edinburgh, EH3 9QG

- Welcome & Refreshments: 1730
- Sharing Slots Begin: 1800
- Sharing Slots End: 1950
- Event Ends: 2000

We're looking forward to seeing you there!

to (Europe/London time)

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More Information

We're passionate about security, as are you.

We want to invite the security community in Scotland to engage 5 or 6 times a year to discuss all things security. A informal forum to share ideas, make contacts, encourage debate.

Our MeetUps will 100% NOT be sales-led. There will be no vendors, no sponsors, no obligation to talk to anyone, nor cost any money to attend.

They will be hosted at a number of venues, but there will be no hosting-company focus, we merely organise and host the events, with a choice of speakers as well as the obligatory refreshments!

This is part of these Curated Lists