Edinburgh Skeptics: Dr. Alastair Bruce - Happy Birthday Tranquility Base

Skeptics on the Fringe Presents

Dr. Alastair Bruce - Happy Birthday Tranquility Base

Only 24 humans have ever gone to the Moon. Only twelve of those
have walked on the surface of our nearest neighbour. One brought some tartan along for the ride. Journey with a space-race geek who never got to see a Saturn V fly and still won't forgive himself for missing a Space Shuttle launch. How did we do it? Why did we do it? What the heck does ""SCE to AUX"" mean?

Alastair completed his PhD in astronomy in 2018 and now splits his time between researching active galaxies and working for the James Webb Space Telescope UK Public Engagement Campaign. He originally trained as an actor and is very passionate about communicating science to the general public. He's also a Space Race nerd and spends too much time playing Kerbal Space Program...

Twitter - @spacedoot / @AuldReekieAstro

Similar events on the Fringe normally cost around £10 but all our Fringe events are free and non-ticketed. Entry is first-come-first-served basis and we will ask for a donation to help cover our costs. Your support is very welcome. Venue is strictly over-18 and access is via a narrow staircase. If you need help getting access, please let us know in advance (email [masked]) and we will try to help.

to (Europe/London time)

More details and tickets: www.meetup.com

Imported From: www.meetup.com

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