React Edinburgh - May 2019

This is going to be another amazing event!


• 6:00pm - 7:00pm: Pizza, beer and networking

• 7:00pm - 7:40pm: React Native at Skyscanner: The Good Parts by Karan Thakkar

• 7:40pm - 8:20pm: Practical Performance for React (Native) by Anna Doubková

• 8:20pm - 9:00pm: From the back to the front - running React on the edge, a worker and the client by Stefan Judis

• Drinks - Big Lebowski (


Venue security
All attendees need to provide their full names in advance. Also, you will need to bring some form of photo ID to show on the day - something like a passport, driving licence, or work ID would be grand.

The event will be recorded. Let the organisers know, if you don't want to be included in the pictures or videos. Some of them will be used on our social media channels.


Lloyds Bank


biggles at large

The Talks

---> Talk 1: React Native at Skyscanner: The Good Parts by Karan Thakkar

This talk takes a look at what our React Native setup at Skyscanner looks like and how we maintain and scale it from an infrastructure point of view. Here’s some of the things that are involved and questions that I plan on sharing the answer to:

- Architecting the app into different screens. How is the native side built to support this?
- Why is this kind of architecture important? What does it enable? eg: deeplinking, render metrics, etc.
- Implementing metrics to measure React Native startup time in a brownfield context
- How do we enforce a standardized folder structure?
- How do we adopt a new technology, like flow, and monitor its adoption?
- What does our CI look like? What is it responsible for?

Karan works as a Mobile Engineer at Skyscanner, building the React Native infrastructure enabling other teams within the org to use it. Previously, he lead the Web team at Crowdfire.


---> Talk 2: Practical Performance for React (Native) by Anna Doubková

There are quite a few theoretical concepts of writing good a React application, including popular functional programming approaches. However, few take into consideration the impacts these will have on performance of the application. In this talk you’ll find out how some commonly used patterns have an adverse effect on the speed of your app, and how to avoid using them. We’ll mainly explore UI and state management but we’ll also dive into some native-specific issues and look at how to prevent them.

Anna is a javascript developer who loves working with new technologies. Currently working at Hive, she does full-stack development to deliver a great end to end solution focused on user experience. Huge fan of FP, react, serverless. She's a frequent speaker, runs workshops, and likes contributing to the community.


---> Talk 3: From the back to the front - running React on the edge, a worker and the client by Stefan Judis

Universal JavaScript helps developers to use the same code on the server and the client side. But are we maybe missing something? Could it be possible to run React on the server and a service worker? Is it possible to reuse code? Let's find out!

Stefan started programming 8 years ago and quickly fell in love with web performance, new technologies, and accessibility. He is also a curator of the web performance online resource Perf Tooling, organizer of the Accessibility Club Conference, contributes to a variety of open source projects and enjoys sharing nerdy discoveries.


to (Europe/London time)

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More Information

We don't know any more about React Edinburgh.