**Note different venue - the ECCI**
We will hear from two entrepreneurs operating in the low carbon space at this joint E Club and Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation (ECCI) event. Join us at the brand new ECCI building at High School Yards which is a 5 minute walk from the University of Edinburgh Business School (see link below for directions). The talks will be followed by a wine reception.
Vijay Bhopal: Director, SCENE: Sustainable Community Energy Network
SCENE is a social enterprise focused on the community energy. They carry out research - producing some of the most in-depth and insightful reports on community energy in the UK so far, and consultancy - helping project leaders to understand their options, plan projects and get their communities onside.SCENE also looks to promote effective policy change and financing mechanisms by working with innovative partners in the field, as is part of a project development coalition - Sustainable Heat and Power.
Vijay is a director at SCENE and has been a involved with a variety of projects as a researcher, consultant and financial analyst developing some of the financing and partnership models which Scene is espousing. Vijay also acts as Business Manager for micro-developer Sustainable Heat and Power Ltd. He holds a BSc in Geology from The University of Edinburgh and an MSc in Environment and Resource Management from the Free University in Amsterdam.
Dory McIntosh: Operations Manager, iPower
Dory McIntosh is the Operations Manager for iPower - a UK developer of low carbon projects. Structured as a social enterprise, iPower is focused on reducing energy bills and carbon emissions.iPower aims to make clean energy affordable to all and a majority of our profit is used to help combat fuel poverty and climate change.
Alongside director Jon Cape, Dory has over 30 years experience in energy, project delivery and new business development. You can see Dory pitching at Scotland's biggest investor showcase event, Engage Invest Exploit.
Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation
High School Yards, Edinburgh
More details: www.business-school.ed.ac.uk
The Edinburgh Entrepreneurship Club (E-Club) is a free networking club open to all. We run weekly events and our programme includes several speakers from the tech industry. All of our events are followed by a wine & networking reception.
We are hosted by the University of Edinburgh Business School.