Edinburgh UX meetup - Short talks

Welcome to our short talks series, hosted at CodeBase. Here you'll find professionals across the UX spectrum talking about the topics that are of particular interest to them.

The line-up so far...

The Fear of UX
Tim Dyer (Senior User Experience Designer, Royal London) will talk about how stress affects us personally and as User Experience professionals, and look at how we might reduce its impact.

Urban IxD: Exploring Human Interactions in the Hybrid City
Shenando Stals (Phd Researcher, Napier University) will tell us about his research investigating how people’s relationship with places that are personally meaningful to them could potentially inform the design of future technological devices and services.

Challenging Assumptions: Why Lean UX Works For Me
Neil Allison (User Experience Service Manager, Edinburgh University) will give a short primer on Lean UX, reflecting on his experiences of putting this into practice at the University of Edinburgh.

A designer & a client walk into a bar...
Alex Nogues (Freelance UX consultant), on fleeting trends and good briefs in Design.

Hope to see you there.


to (Europe/London time)

More details and tickets: www.meetup.com

Imported From: www.meetup.com

More Information

Edinburgh UX meetup invites UX people of all flavours to a monthly meeting of minds – a place to share ideas and indulge in idle banter. Whether you be designer, developer, guerrilla, enthusiast or just passing by, come join us on the last Monday of the month.