SheffieldDevops: May meet-up

Alexandra Carter/Marcus Robinson - “Let’s put this legacy solution into Docker Containers on Windows” said Callcredit. This is what happened…

Ramen Sen - Techniques in DevOps adoption and embedding culture at NHS Digital/HSCIC. What we achieved, how we got there, and the issues we faced.

to (Europe/London time)


More Information

The devops group in Sheffield has been founded to provide a forum for discussion on:

* Adoption of software development lifecycle practices into operations and system administration.
* Creating collaborative working culture/environment for developers and operations teams.
* Applying agile principles in an environment dominated by changes, firefighting and reluctance to change.
* Automation - version control, branching strategies, CI/CD pipelines, deployment and monitoring.
* Metrics - collection of system/application/business/build/SLM metrics and the subsequent reporting and sharing.
* Technology - cool new tools from clusters to containers, cloud solutions, paas, iaas, visualization, monitoring and dashboards - just so long as they help create the devops culture.
* Adoption of Lean principles to improve the flow of work through an organisation.

We plan to meet on the second Thursday of each month in central Sheffield, we’ll have a couple of talks on the above subject areas and then head to a nearby public house to continue the discussion in an more informal manner.

We’re on the look out for speakers, so if you (or someone you know) have a passion for any of the above topics and have something to share then please get in touch via email or twitter.

The group has been created thanks to the efforts of great people on the Sheffield Digital slack channel for the digital community in Sheffield - if you want to lend a hand in running the group or have any ideas to make it bigger and better then please get in touch.